Busy busy busy

Time does fly, doesn’t it? Yesterday I realized I haven’t posted anything since September 6 (!). Ouch! I don’t think that’s my record for NOT posting, but it has to be close!

Anyway, this morning I have a bit of free time, hah!, so I thought I’d post a note just to let you know that I’m fine, Stefano’s fine, the kitties are fine. We’re just all SUPER BUSY! Well, okay, truth be told, the kitties aren’t that busy,  except with finding the best spot to take a nice nap,  preferably on our bed, in the sunlight…Or, as in the above photo, on the couch (Pandora, on the left, and Pinga)…

Busy busy busy, therefore, but in the back of my mind is the lovely study that Sherlock sent to me a while ago (at my request) about the potential anti-cancer activity of herbal extracts. There’s so much information in that study that it’s going to be difficult for me to squeeze at least some of it into a post…But I’m not worrying about that right now, since I don’t have the time to do any research, anyway. But…soon…soon…SOON!

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy these recent photos of three of our (seven!) kitties…The handsome black cat is our Prezzemolo.

For now, let me just say that I hope everyone is doing well! Okay, ciaooooo! 😎 

Wow, what a holiday!

Stefano and I returned from England almost a week ago, last Saturday evening, but since then I’ve had a million things to do, not just heaps of laundry, food shopping, and the usual household-related stuff (cat litter, cat this, cat that, cat everything!), but also getting together with my girlfriends, a very important part of my life!, AND planning my English lessons for next week.

I still  need to fit my sessions at the rehab center into my weekly schedule. These are the workouts I still need to do both for my shoulder AND for my tendinitis, which actually behaved incredibly well after the first week or so on holiday. No pain, I mean, and I think my shoulder’s movement range has really improved…back to normal, possibly? Stefano thinks it still needs some work, so I’ll leave it up to the physiotherapist.

Oh, speaking of Stefano, he and I, together with our beloved next-door neighbor, are going to start taking Pilates classes together, just the three of us, in our living room (the last time I took a Pilates class in a nearby gym, I came down with some sort of flu bug…lots of germs in gyms, best to avoid for those of us with impaired immune systems!), starting next week. Hey, we’re all getting older, and Pilates is easy and low impact…at least at the level we’re at! Plus, Pilates, at least the way we do it 😉 , is a lot of fun…

Anyway, lots to do, busybusybusy…

But I do have a bit of time right now (note: I began this post three days ago…!) to tell you about our holiday. Very VERY nice. Stefano and I still haven’t been able to decide which part of the holiday was the best. The three areas we visited (Peak District, Lake District, and Whitby), in fact, are just too different…so it’s difficult to find a winner, but I did manage to come up with the following list…my own personal thoughts (not Stefano’s, that is)…

The winner for “beauty”: the Lake District. We visited all the main lakes, Windermere, Ullswater, Derwentwater, etc., but the last one, Wast Water (photo on right and above photo, too), a glacial lake with transparent water, surrounded by mountains, the deepest lake in the District, has something magical about it. Absolutely glorious. Gold medal, for sure. If I’d worn my bathing suit that day, I’d have gone for a swim. But, unfortunately, we hadn’t thought it would have been warm enough to do more than dip our toes in the water. Stefano didn’t even bring his sandals! (I did.) Oh well. I did take a photo of my feet (in my Teva sandals) underwater…The water is so clear, you can’t tell if my Teva-ed feet are actually underwater…

The winner for “fun”: the time we spent hunting for fossils on the beaches around Whitby and Sandsend, Yorkshire coast. More about this further on. Fantastic!

The winner for “historical interest”: one of the Peak District’s villages, Eyam, known as “the plague village.” In the 17th century, this village lost 260 (I also read 267) of its inhabitants to the plague in a period of 14 months. That amounts to more than THREE QUARTERS of the entire village. Impressive, eh.

It all began with a bale of cloth that was sent from plague-ridden London to Eyam. The cloth was infested with fleas carrying the plague. The tailor’s assistant, George Viccars, opened the deadly parcel and hung the cloth to dry in front of a fireplace. The consequences of this act were devastating. George was the first Eyam inhabitant to die of the plague on September, 1665. He lived with the Hadfield family in the so-called “Plague Cottage” (see photo on left, above and below). Every single member of that family came down with the plague and died, with the exception of the mother, Mary…

But the extraordinary part of Eyam’s plague story is that, albeit a bit reluctantly at first, as can be imagined!!!, the entire village decided that it should quarantine itself (remember, we’re in the 17th century here!!!). And so a circle of boundary stones was set up, surrounding the village, and nobody, not even those who didn’t show any symptoms of the plague, was allowed in…or out. An amazing gesture of self-sacrifice that spared the lives not only of the inhabitants of neighboring villages but probably saved the entire north of England from contracting this deadly disease.

Stefano and I walked outside Eyam to see and photograph the famous Boundary Stone (above photo and, on the left, a closeup), where food and other supplies were left by merchants and neighboring villagers. In return, the unfortunate residents of Eyam left coins inside the holes that you can see in the photos. The holes were filled with vinegar, thought to be enough of a disinfectant. Apparently, there are other boundary stones, but this is the most famous one.

On the sign next to the Stone, I read the touching story of two lovers: he, Rowland Torre, lived in Stoney Middleton, a village very close to Eyam. She, Emmott Sydall, lived in Eyam. I quote from the sign: “At first, Rowland would visit Emmott in the village, but when they realised this was too dangerous, the lovers would arrange to meet secretly but at a distance, minimalizing any risk of Rowland contracting the disease.” Apparently they could see each other but weren’t close enough to chat. In April, 1666, though, Emmott stopped coming to these meetings.

Rowland didn’t lose hope but continued for months to go to their meeting place, and he was one of the first to re-enter Eyam “when it was pronounced safe towards the end of 1666.” But, as expected, Emmott had died…in April, in fact. So sad, eh…!!!

Another “dropping off supplies” site is Mompesson’s Well, which is high up on a hill, rather far from Eyam, well, “far” in terms of walking distance. We visited that, too. During the plague, the villagers of Eyam dropped coins (as payment for the food, etc.) into the water, thinking they would be “purified” from the plague.

Anyway, if you go to the Peak District, you MUST go to Eyam. Very very VERY interesting. Very good tearoom in the village, too!

Close runner up for “historical interest”: the Neolithic Castlerigg Stone Circle, above photo, near Keswick, Lake District…This is one of the earliest stone circles in the UK, probably some sort of meeting place, but what it was actually used for still remains a mystery. Beautiful setting, as you can see, with 360-degree views of the countryside.

We went back there twice…just couldn’t take enough photos…Incidentally, it wasn’t as easy as it looks to get a photo with just the stones, that is, without any people in it…It’s a favorite place for people to go for a picnic, walk their dogs, take their children to play, etc. So we had to wait…and wait…and wait…No tourist crowds, though. I had the impression that most were local residents.

The winner for “took my breath away,” literally!: Stanage Edge, Peak District. Quite a climb for me, at the beginning of our holiday when I was still in a bit of pain from my tendinitis. But, oh, the views…Terrific. It’s not surprising that Stanage Edge was used in, as far as I know, at least one of the “Pride and Prejudice” movies (not my favorite one, for sure…but…). Anyway, after that rather steep ascent, noticing how much my walking stick helped me on the rather unsteady ground and rocks, Stefano decided to buy himself a walking stick, too…He loves it! 😉

At one point I was standing on top of a rock, taking in the view and taking photos, when a head popped up right at my feet and exclaimed, “Well hello there!!!,” giving me such a start that I almost lost my balance. Very amusing…well, I suppose that if I’d lost my balance and fallen off that rock, perhaps it wouldn’t have been so amusing. ;-) Yes, Stanage Edge is a popular place for rock climbing, as you can see in the first SE photo…

The winner for “cutest animal/s”: this is a difficult one, but I’m going for the sheep, which were everywhere, not just munching grass in all the fields but also strolling about in the roads, often stopping traffic. In the Lake District, there is a particular breed known as Herdwick sheep. I became a bit obsessed with trying to take a good photo of at least one. I think I was relatively successful with this sweet little lamb who hadn’t been shorn like his mother, I suppose because of the chilly temperatures. Isn’t he (she?) adorable?

I was also impressed, especially in the Lake District, by the number of people with dogs, dogs of all shapes and sizes…dogs everywhere. And you could take your dog anywhere, even in stores. There were quite a few dogs in our inn, too. Very dog-friendly areas. I approve, of course. At times I would just sit on a bench and enjoy watching dogs fetch balls from the lakes or the sea…Fun.

Note: during our entire trip, I never saw one single cat, not even sitting or lying in a window. Evidently, these are mostly dog areas…?

Let’s see…what else can I tell you? I think the best thing to do is give you a few snippets of things that we did. Here goes…

An  adventure in the…Devil’s Arse: I almost got stuck, no no no, I am incredibly serious…literally STUCK!!!, inside Peak Cavern, also (lovingly, hehe) known as the Devil’s Arse. Well, that Arse almost got me! I was the last member of the group to bend down and almost crawl through a very low spot, and I didn’t realize until it was too bloody late that I was on the lowest side of the passage, the right side. About halfway through, I realized that I could barely move…I couldn’t go back, couldn’t go forward. My knapsack was up against the ceiling of this low passage. I admit, I almost panicked. Stefano had gone ahead and couldn’t see that I was in a bit of trouble.

Finally, I put my hand down in the mud and crept slowly over to the left side. That worked. I managed to “unstick” myself and was able to join the rest of the group. A bit scary, though. For that reason, I didn’t visit the Treak Cliff Cavern, even though it had much more appeal to me than the Peak one. Stefano went into the Treak Cliff Cavern, though, and took enough photos for the two of us, while I waited in the museum and gift shop area, which had absolutely beautiful Blue John stones and jewelry (see photo above, taken in the museum).

York Shambles: the Shambles, allegedly the best preserved Medieval street in the world (hmmm…), is located in the lovely city of York. The main appeal for us is that it was the inspiration for Diagon Alley (Harry Potter). Unfortunately, we weren’t the only ones to be aware of that: the Shambles was absolutely jammed with tourists.

I went inside the three “Harry Potter” shops, especially The Shop That Must Not Be Named, see photo (sign’s on the left…You can park your broom right outside the shop, hehe, cute idea…), and of course I bought a few things for us and a few gifts for our cat sitter, who is the only other TRUE Harry Potter fanatic in my acquaintance.

As for the Shambles, apparently you can touch both sides of the street if you stand with your arms outstretched, but, because of the crowds, I wasn’t able to verify that…

Whitby: we spent three full days in this very pretty coastal town on the Yorkshire coast, famous mainly because it was used by Bram Stoker in his “Dracula.” Lots of Dracula references in Whitby…

Anyway, on our first day there, we took the steam train from Whitby to Pickering and then back again, and that was fun (our first steam train trip ever), although I expected the scenery to be more spectacular, to be honest. But we enjoyed stopping at Goathland Station and taking photos of the bridge that was used in the first Harry Potter movie. Actually, the entire station was transformed into Hogsmeade Station, for those of you who have read the HP books and seen the movies. Oh, yes, I know, I know, stop it, Margaret, with all the HP stuff! Okay, I won’t even post a photo… 😎 

On our last day in Whitby, with its very interesting ruined Abbey (photo on right), I read that the entire surrounding coast is Jurassic…and that you can find 150-million-year-old FOSSILS right on the beach, if you’re lucky. Well, even though the best period to find decent fossils is in the autumn after a heavy storm, we set off anyway on a fossil hunt, which is always fun, even if you find…absolutely nothing (which happened to us in fact on the Jurassic coast in Dorset years ago…we looked and looked but found nothing except a pile of rocks, some of which we brought home and are still unopened, sitting on a shelf in my study…).

Well, surprise surprise, this time we found what we consider to be some really good fossils on two of the beaches near Whitby! Yes, a REAL fossil hunter would probably scoff at the fossils we found and toss them back onto the beach, but we were soooo  excited and happy with everything we found…mostly ammonites. At one point we had so many that we put the broken ones we’d found in the beginning of our search back on the beach. Here’s the photo of one that we brought back with us…

An official sign stated that if you find fossils ON the beach, you can keep them. What is absolutely forbidden is hacking away at the cliffs, which we would never have done in any case…but I did see a young couple encourage their little boy to hit the cliffs with a hammer. I went up to them, such a busybody, eh!, and asked them if they’d found anything (they hadn’t) and if what they were doing was “okay” (obviously, I knew that it wasn’t). The mother answered that she was a resident in the area (as though that made it OK, hello???) and that normally she wouldn’t let her little boy use a hammer on the cliffs, but today she’d made an exception. Hmmm. I left it at that…But I’m sure my face expressed my disapproval…

Anyway, as I mentioned, the fossils we found were right on the beach, under the cliffs, possibly discarded by the serious fossil hunters. Since it was all perfectly legal, we brought a few of the best ones back home with us, to Florence…

Chasing balloons: at one point, on one of the fossil beaches, I noticed a white balloon flitting about, unattended. I began chasing it, as did a woman nearby. During the chase, we exchanged our thoughts on balloons, which can be summed into this one sentence: balloons are VERY BAD for sea and land animals. They kill countless numbers of turtles, dolphins and other animals that mistake them for food, for jellyfish, e.g…I mean, it’s simply outrageous. Oh, and balloons are also a total waste of helium. Anyway, for all those reasons, balloons should be BANNED all over the world. No more stupid releases of balloons into the air. We need to find a less noxious way to celebrate festivities. Anyway, she and I reached the balloon together…She popped it and went off with it, since I was still walking ahead, whereas she was about to leave the beach.

We visited so many places that it’s hard to list them all, from Chatsworth House and marvelous medieval Haddon Hall (Peak District) to Hill Top House (Beatrix Potter’s home in the Lake District…by the way, this photo shows one of her original drawings, on display in the Beatrix Potter Gallery in Hawkshead).

We had sticky toffee pudding (well, many of those, to be honest, hehe, as we always do when in the UK) in the place where it was invented, now how about that?, that is, the Sharrow Bay Country House Hotel in the Lake District. Best sticky toffee pudding I’ve ever had…And I’ve had some very good ones!

We also ate in one of the UK’s best fish & chips place, named for the 2019 National Fish & Chip Awards (it didn’t win, but…no matter). Best fish ‘n chips we’ve had so far, and, again, we’ve had A LOT of those, too, believe me.

On a rainy day, in a small and quaint village in the Peak District, we stood in line in front of the Grasmere Gingerbread shop, a tiny shop where you can buy yummy (world famous) gingerbread made from a secret Victorian recipe. Mmmmh.

We also visited a few ruined castles, namely Brougham Castle (I climbed up to the very top, to the third storey…well worth it, but beware of the slippery steps, hard to see in the darkness!). And then, the Lake Distillery (make sure you go on a tour…our guide was excellent, although her, er, accent was difficult for me to understand at times)…And let’s not forget the beautiful scenery, plus all the adorable villages we visited (Straithes. see above photo, Cartmel, etc.), all the waterfalls, such as Aira Force (I walked all the way to the top of that waterfall and stood on the bridge, looking down)…And, and, and…Oh my, we visited so many places that it is impossible to list all of them…!

In short, we had an excellent, diverse holiday. And now it’s time to roll up my sleeves and get back to work. But…for a few weeks, it was simply absolutely wonderfully lovely to forget about myeloma, to forget about the blog (yes, even my beloved blog), and, especially, to forget about Facebook, which I’d leave in a second, to be honest, if it weren’t for the fact that I have a Page there for my blog that might be helpful to some users…eh.

Anyway, off I go. I hope everyone is doing well!!! Ciao ciao ciao for now!!! Take care!!!

Holiday, holiday, holidaaaaay!

Well, it’s time for us to go on holiday…As usual, the cats are staying at home, under the loving care of our fabulous cat sitter and our fabulous neighbor. So…Stefano and I are all set to go off and enjoy our time in the UK.

Take care, everyone, and have a wonderful August! And…see you in September…unless, of course, I decide to post something from the Lake District (doubtful, but…you never know…). 😀 

Oh I do enjoy these “Keep Calm” signs…hehe.

Test results

Just got home from picking up my most recent blood (and urine) test results. Okay, let’s see, there’s a lot of positive stuff to report.

Compared to my last tests, my M-spike and monoclonal component have gone down, my total IgG is also maintaining its downward trend, ESR is down, hey cholesterol is down, too…total protein, down…calcium and creatinine, no change (both still within normal range).

There are a couple of things that aren’t so good: 1. my hemoglobin is just under the normal range…again…I see a few steaks in my future, sigh; 2. my B2M is up (again) to 3, that is, slightly over the normal range. But it’s been that high before (back in 2015, it was 3.3, for example), so I’m not worried, especially since there’s no major change in any other markers.

So, all things considered (I mean, sure, wouldn’t it have been great to have had all markers go back to NORMAL??? Haha!  😛 ), I’m super pleased with these results and am now relieved and ready to pack my bag and go on a lovely holiday with Stefano. Lake and Peak districts (plus York and Whitby) in the UK, here we come…!!!!! 🙂

Quick tendinitis update

I’m officially beyond the acute phase of my posterior tibial tendinitis. That means: no more pain, no more limping, and…I’m walking normally. Yaaay!

My recovery was really quick, or at least I think it was quick. 😉

I’ve definitely become a huge fan of physical therapy…It has really worked for me. That doesn’t mean that I’m cured forever and can just sit back and relax. I will have to return to the sports clinic in September for some final shoulder mobility sessions (although my left shoulder is almost as “good” as my right one now). Then, I’m done…

For the month of August, I just have to keep doing my tendon-strengthening exercises and be careful about not walking too much without resting. That way, my tibial tendon shouldn’t give me any trouble during our upcoming holiday…

Yaaaay! Another (big) problem solved.

Okay, off I go. It’s time to plan our holiday…! Take care, everyone! 😎 

Posterior tibial tendinitis

Okay, so I have gone from a fractured shoulder to posterior tibial tendinitis. 😕

No kidding. From one type of pain to another (worse, IMO, since this one affects my ability to walk properly). Uffa!!!

It started about a week ago, more or less. I began experiencing a bit of pain in my left heel area, but, since I have a high pain threshold, I essentially ignored it (first lesson learned: never ignore pain of any sort!)…All I did was apply ice packs to the area a couple of times a day, and that was it. On Saturday, though, as a result of having walked a bit too fast for a bit too long, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my heel area, which almost floored me. That, I could NOT ignore.

Okay, clearly, it was time to take some action…So I talked to my therapist about it on Monday. She made the diagnosis…

Luckily, since I was already doing physiotherapy to regain shoulder mobility, all we had to do was simply shift gears. Even though we are still doing a bit of shoulder therapy, we are now focusing on getting my tendon back into shape, which, well, to be honest, hurts like hell. My shoulder pain was nothing in comparison…eeek!

The good news is that it seems to be getting a bit better. The bad news is that it will probably take some time to heal properly, and, hah, of course!!!, less than three weeks from now Stefano and I are taking off to go on holiday…a holiday that will involve a certain amount of walking. Phooey. Terrible timing…BUT, hey, if this had to happen, better now than three weeks from now, right?

Okay, no more whining. I’ll be fine soon. Plus, as it happens, I have a cane, which I’ll take with me on holiday, together with everything I’ve learned about this painful, but common (especially with runners), condition. Since I’m not a runner, I probably developed this as a result of walking “funny” when I was wearing my shoulder brace. I knew I was walking a bit on the crooked side, but there wasn’t much I could do about it at the time.

Anyway, everything else is good. I am back to driving again…Luckily, my car has automatic transmission, which means that I don’t have to use my left tendon, I mean, my left foot. 😉 So at least I’m getting around a bit on my own…Mainly, I’m driving myself to physiotherapy, yaaay. I like to be free and independent…

Mostly, though, I’m resting, even more than I rested when I was in the middle of my fractured shoulder period…

Rest is the best cure for posterior tibial tendinitis, unfortunately…Ah yes, there are going to be lots of TV series in my near future!!! 🙂

A belated birthday present…

Stefano accompanied me to my fractured shoulder checkup at the hospital on Friday. I had two X-rays of my left shoulder, and then we went to see the orthopedist.

Well, the news is much (MUCH!) better than expected: the fracture is actually no longer visible on the X-rays, yep, no kidding!, and my humerus is back in its place. I am going to need more physiotherapy, since my range of motion is still not perfect, even though I can now put both arms above my head, and you can’t tell the difference between the two. But I still can’t make certain movements, such as reaching behind my back enough to hook my bra. So, yes, more physiotherapy…No problem, I love my physiotherapist…She’s excellent!

Getting back to the orthopedic visit on Friday, I wanted to note that both orthopedists (yes, there were two at one point…A Grey’s Anatomy scenario) were surprised that I was doing so well and that the fracture had healed so quickly. In fact, when I raised my arms above my head, the professor laughed, shook my hand vigorously and told me to get out of his office. 😉 Stefano noticed their surprised reaction, too. I was tempted to tell them about my curcumin intake…but in the end I decided not to…They probably would have given me the (ever-annoying) eye roll…Besides, it might just be that I have great bones, and that curcumin had nothing to do with the fast healing of this fracture…

Who knows?

Incidentally, a month ago the orthopedist told me that I wouldn’t be able to drive until September, at least. On Friday I was told that I can go back to driving NOW! A super nice belated birthday present…

Ah yes, you see, Thursday was my birthday. I turned 58. 58 years old! And to think that, when I was diagnosed with SMM in 2005, I didn’t think I’d live to see my 50th birthday!!! Hah! I’m way beyond that one now…

Well, I sure have much to celebrate, in addition to my healed shoulder…

I can drive again 😛 …Life is good! 😀

Timed release of curcumin inhibits bone cancer cells…

Since I’ve been pretty much housebound because of my fractured humerus, I finally decided to go through our closets and get rid of all the clothes we don’t/can’t wear anymore. Of course, I have to be careful not to hurt my shoulder, and believe me, careful I am! But I can’t just lie around with the cats (our Pixie, in the photo) and watch TV series nonstop… 😉 

Speaking of my shoulder, well it’s healing…and healing well, I think. I can now raise my arm above my head. Compare that to a month ago when I could barely lift my arm! Thank you, physiotherapy!

I have my third checkup, with X-rays, at the hospital later this week…the day after my birthday, in fact. I’m anxious to see how I’m doing…Not “anxious” = “scared.” Just very very curious.

My life isn’t all about physical rehabilitation or cleaning closets, though. I’m also doing some reading and trying to keep up with…stuff. Last month I came across this bit of interesting news , e.g.: http://bit.ly/2LsLZv9

This excerpt that says it all: “A Washington State University research team has developed a drug delivery system using curcumin, the main ingredient in the spice turmeric, that successfully inhibits bone cancer cells while promoting growth of healthy bone cells.” When I’m done going through our closets 😉, I’ll have a look at the original study. In the meantime, it’s good to have further confirmation that our curcumin intake is most likely having a positive impact on our bones…

I hope everyone is doing well…This morning it rained in Florence for the first time since the beginning of this long boiling hot spell, and the horrible summer temperatures have gone down to tolerable levels. Life is good…at least for a day!!! 😀

My physical therapy…and cardiac toxicity caused by carfilzomib

First, my big news: I began physiotherapy yesterday, and, drum roll!!!, I won’t have to wear my shoulder brace anymore, or rather, “you don’t have to wear it unless you feel as though you need it,” my physiotherapist told me. She reassured me that there’s no way I could make my shoulder worse unless she jumped up and down on it. And, since that’s not likely to happen, I agreed that the brace should come off. It had become sort of like a Linus blanket (Peanuts reference) for me…I felt safe with it!

My physiotherapist pointed out that keeping my arm in a brace at home would have a negative impact on therapy. There’s no point, she said, in working and stretching muscles that I haven’t used in the past month, only to use the brace to immobilize them again. That made sense. So, last night, for the first time since I found out I had a fractured shoulder, I slept without a brace. And today I’m typing with two hands! Yaaaay!

I can take a shower and tie my shoes again…by myself, I mean. I’m sure that must sound silly…except to those who gone through a similar experience. I mean, what’s the big deal about tying one’s shoelaces? Well, for someone who has a strong independent spirit (yours truly!), it’s a BIG deal.

I’ve rediscovered how the small things in life can give me pure moments of joy. Even bending over to change the cats’ water bowls without experiencing a jolt of pain in my shoulder is such a thrill right now!

Another potentially positive bit of news: my full recovery may not take as long as one might think, given the nature of this injury. My physiotherapist told me that my arm’s range of motion and strength is much better than she expected (curcumin? Hah, who knows?). She thinks I’ll progress quickly. So do I.

She also told me that I would almost certainly have pain in my shoulder area the day after our sessions and told me I could take a painkiller if needed. Well, I don’t have any pain at all today. Indeed, early this morning you would have seen me pottering around the garden, cutting off dead flowers and getting rid of a few weeds. Sure, I get an occasional twinge if I use my left arm in a way I shouldn’t (yet), and of course I can’t raise my arm beyond a certain point, but that simply means that I’m looking forward to my second therapy session tomorrow! 🙂 

Now for the second part of my post. I recently came across a rather unsettling Science Daily article about cardiac toxicity caused by carfilzomib. If you’re currently taking carfilzomib, or know someone who is, please have a look. It’s easy to read, so I’ll just give you the link: http://bit.ly/2XZkP1h

That’s it for today. Hope everyone is fine and dandy! Take care!!!


This morning I went back to the hospital for a checkup on my fractured (proximal) humerus. Good news, mostly. The orthopedist was quite happy with how my shoulder is healing (I wonder if the healing process has been helped along by my daily intake of curcumin…? Curcumin has been used in traditional medicine to treat bone fractures…hmmm, interesting…).

It’s going to take a while, though, before I’ll be able to use my arm normally and go back to my regular bungee jumping (haha, just kidding!!! I mean, kidding about the bungee jumping, of course… 😉 ).

More good news: next week I can take off my shoulder brace…aaaah what a relief!!!

Next week I’m also going to begin physical therapy to help increase my range of motion, deal with muscle stiffness and so on. I’ve already been working on my own, at home, doing an exercise that the orthopedist showed me a couple of weeks ago. That has helped A LOT with pain and stiffness in my lower arm. But, of course, now that I’m better, I need to the help of a professional, that is, a physical therapist.

I did get some bad news (which I sort of expected): I won’t be able to drive at all this summer. Aaaagh! Oh well. In moments of frustration, however, I always remind myself that my fall, which was quite a hard one, ouch!!!, could have had much worse consequences. I could have landed on my head, broken a leg, an ankle and/or who knows what else.

So, really, I can’t complain!!!

I just need to be patient…A few more months, and my humorous 😉 will be as good as new! 🙂