Well, today is my birthday. How old am I? Hmmm, let me think….Wait a sec, I have almost got it….Just kidding, hehe, I know how old I am: 63.

63 and counting! After my diagnosis, I didn’t think I’d make it to my mid 40s (when all I knew about myeloma was, well, alarming and scary…not to say that myeloma isn’t scary, of course, but I don’t think about it as much as I did in the past…), so every year that passes is a HUGE deal for me…well, for all of us! Birthdays must be celebrated!
And so this morning, even though this is going to be the HOTTEST day for Florence thus far this summer, I picked up a close friend, and we had a lovely breakfast in one of our favorite pastry shops.
A brief anecdote: as we were walking toward the pasticceria (pastry shop), I noticed a woman (daughter) trying desperately to hold up an elderly woman (her 94 year old mother). She, the daughter, was really struggling, and they were both slipping to the ground. We rushed over to help. A few minutes later one of their neighbours brought out a chair, and we lowered the lady into it. We chatted while waiting for their taxi to arrive. Once we got her mother inside, the daughter blessed us, which was so sweet…I’m an atheist, but I certainly don’t mind getting blessed. So there you go: I even got blessed on my birthday!
Now I’m at home under the ceiling fan, at my computer (planning our trip to Scotland in August). And this evening Stefano and I are going out to dinner. No cellphones. He promised. 😉 Perfect.
Anyway, all is well here. And soon we’ll be in Scotland for 3 weeks…Can’t wait…! Take care, everyone, and…birthday hugs from Firenze, Italia!