A new curcumin-myeloma study

Unfortunately, the full study, just published in the journal Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, is not available online for free, but the abstract gives us a good idea of its content: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32951583/

The abstract begins with a description of multiple myeloma, stuff we already know or should know…But then I noticed two words in the following sentence: “MM is almost incurable, and patients faced to this disease eventually relapse.”

Did you see that?

“Almost” and “incurable.”

That “almost” suggests that there is a form of myeloma that is curable. Hmmm. News to me!!! And, in fact, the words that follow, “patients…eventually relapse,” negate that “almost.” Perhaps a problem with the translation…?

Because, let’s be clear: myeloma is incurable…That said, it is treatable. And for some, it’s “just” a chronic disease.

Anyway, moving on…Then we have a description of the therapeutic properties of curcumin. Again, stuff we know or should know. šŸ˜‰

Now, not that we needed any more evidence that curcumin is no friend of myeloma, but it’s always good to come across a NEW study confirming its ability to kill myeloma cells by interfering with, and I quote, “…various signaling pathways and cell cycle checkpoints, and with oncogenes.”

Yeah, that’s always good…really good.


  1. Im alive 10 yrs & 1 month after asct at UCSF. I ve taken C3 @ 8 grams / day for 9 of those years thanks to you, Margaret. I want to thank you immensely. Words don’t do it justice.

    1. Hi Patricia!
      Congratulations to your success story!
      How do you dosing 4g*2/day or 8g once a day? Empty stomach, before meal, with som fat? What kind of curcumin do you use? With Bioperine (for better absorbtion), Meriva, Longvida, Theracurmin, … ? Use som other supplements?
      Best wishes keep doing well!

  2. I would love to read the complete study. How much curcumin did they use? Thank you so much for keeping us updated, Beatrice

    1. Hi Tammy, I’m not sure which info you are referring to, but why don’t you check out my blog? For example, read my Protocol page, and the Side Effects one. I’d start with those. Scroll down the homepage and look on the right. If you have any specific questions after reading through some of the information, and I realize there is LOTS of information to sift through, let me know…

  3. Hi. Margret.
    I have had six treatments for myeloma. I was diagnosed in 2014.
    How much curcumin do you take daily. Also do you just sprinkle it on your foods. I have just read your initial post in 2016. Has it moved on from then

  4. This is great news. I’ve been taking the protocol you initially recommended, but a friend who does research into cancer recently let me know that a new(ish) formula increases uptake; the micelle formula. I wondered if you had heard of it. Naturally anxious about changing from C3 complex.

  5. Hey – Glad to find you again. My hubby was dx with MGUS in 2006 and (thanks to you and others) has been on 8g/day of curcumin c3complex since 2008 (13 years). But we just found out he now has 10% plasma cells from BMB. I have not researched much since 2008, but I am not sure if I should push doctors to keep him on curcumin or not? Any good recent studies?

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