Quercetin has anti-myeloma activity

A study from 2016 came to my attention today, thanks to a member of one of the MM Facebook groups to which I belong.

This study shows that quercetin works well both alone AND in combination with dexamethasone. Let’s not forget that it’s a proteasome inhibitor (like curcumin and, in the conventional world, Velcade).

Here’s the direct link to the study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5216736/?fbclid=IwAR2Nk3FwZ3b8MfAqKUNOz1YXfQ6PU2lcQzAN-eGSMWvVBO7dTD9waNpxXn4 

I have to admit that I haven’t taken any quercetin in years, but it looks as though I’ll be putting it back on my “menu” now. For many reasons, not just because of its anti-myeloma activity…

Quercetin is good for a bunch of other things. For instance, it may reduce inflammation, blood pressure, and blood sugar, as well as protect against degenerative brain diseases. And the best thing is that it can be found in many of the foods we eat every day, including (red) apples, onions, cherries, broccoli, and so on. But of course it’s easier to get it in a capsule format…easier, that is, than eating a truckload of red apples every day. 😉 

A bunch of years ago, when I did some research on quercetin, I wrote that one shouldn’t take more than 1.5 grams a day, so please be careful with dosage. Do a search of my blog for more information…

Anyway…good stuff!

Stay safe, everyone!


  1. A doctor prescribed (among other things) quercetin in 2014.
    Since then I take it regularly (with periods without).

    For a month I have changed brands, and I take one capsule per day (500 mg of pure quercetin + Vitamin C + Bromelain 5000 GDU / g).

    I can’t know if all my food supplements are working, but on my last analysis, I was stable …

    P.S. In a 2018 pharmacy thesis article (University of Lyon, France), I read that “Bromelain, an anti-edematous enzyme, also improves the absorption of curcumin.”.
    As I also take turmeric, that’s good!

  2. Hi, so far I have only taken curcumin, but am interested in starting on Quercetin now. Could you give me some tips on what brand to get and what quantity to take please. And do you take it at the same time as the curcumin.

    1. Hello Regina,

      I took several brands of Quercetine, while doing cures (ex. Solgar), and currently I am taking the Nutrixeal brand (produced in France). This brand does not use questionable ingredients.

      I always take curcumin (also since 2014), plus other food supplements (maybe too much)!

      Before I also took vitamin K2 (two Japanese studies from 2006 and 2012 show that it pushes myeloma cells to apoptosis), but it is coagulating, so take it with the advice of a doctor.

      I no longer see the doctor seen in 2014 and 2015 (he is too often abroad), but I continue my little experiences … and I am stable!


  3. Hi, I have smoldering myeloma, diagnosed in December 2020. I am high risk 50-60 % plasma cells. I was hoping to get treatment early, perhaps lenalidomide? I see my doctor soon for the FISH results.

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