It’s the weekend…

I just realized that I haven’t posted ANYTHING here in days. Ooooooops!

It’s not my fault, really. I mean, even though Florence has been essentially shut down this entire week by the world cycling championships (to be more precise, the UCI Road World championships), my friends have been crawling through the cheering crowds and over street barriers to get to my house and keep me company during my convalescence, so I’ve had a lot of company in the past few days. In other words, I haven’t had time to do much else but relax, you see. Yeah, it’s really great to have…great friends! 🙂 

Yesterday afternoon, as I was playing cards with my above-mentioned friends, Stefano’s cousins arrived from southern Italy and whisked him off to Munich…to the Oktoberfest. Beer and more beer. He’ll be back tomorrow. This was definitely a “guy” trip. Even if I’d felt up to the six-hour drive to Munich (from Florence), I wouldn’t have gone with them… 😉

So this weekend I’m home “alone” with my six kitties, mainly watching BBC drama series (for example, last night I watched “Goodnight Mr. Tom”…a really sweet movie set during WWII in England…cried like a baby, I did…) and Season 9 of Grey’s Anatomy. Ahhh yes, I’ve had a very nice rest. And today I feel normal again. I’m on my computer, working away like a madwoman…

Last week I read an excellent article by Dr. Cathy Kerr, Ph.D., titled “Qi versus cancer.” She wrote the stories of two different cancer patients, one with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the other with myeloma (=Cathy herself)…I’m sure you will find it as interesting as I did:

Dr. Kerr also gave a very interesting TED talk on mindfulness meditation last year: Check out this video, too, especially if you have cancer-related depression and pain…This could really help…and it’s only 15 minutes long. 

To end on a funny note…I just watched this commercial and had to share it…enjoy!

Okay, I need to go off now and watch the first episode of “Call the midwife.” Then it will be time to feed the cats…

Take care, everyone! Ciao! 🙂

1 Comment

  1. Loved the ‘Be more dog like’ video, very cute.
    Will show it to my ShiTzu who is definitely more ‘cat-like’!
    Hope you are fully recovered and feeling much better now!!.

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