An update on aspirin and myeloma

A couple of years ago, when I began preparing my “Good or bad for myeloma” Page (, I decided to add aspirin to the list of stuff that is possibly “bad” for myeloma because it seems to increase our TNF alpha levels (see my 2011 aspirin-myeloma post for more info:

But, as I found out while doing research for the aspirin post, a couple of other studies showed that aspirin also reduces COX-1 and COX-2 levels…Ahhhh, confusing. Back then I wasn’t entirely sure what to do with aspirin but made the choice to put it on the “don’t take” list…

Well, I have some new information on aspirin that has made me rethink my position. A few blog readers recently directed my attention to Dr. Durie’s recent post on aspirin. Well, it seems that aspirin MIGHT REDUCE the risk of developing myeloma: An excerpt from Dr. Durie’s post: A key question is: “Can aspirin use reduce or prevent the activation of MGUS or smoldering myeloma into full blown myeloma?” A tantalizing question indeed!  Carefully designed prospective studies are definitely warranted. I couldn’t agree more!

In the meantime…I wonder if MGUS and SMM folks should consider taking aspirin on a daily basis…My only concern would be for those of us who take a lot of curcumin, which, like aspirin, is supposed to have blood-thinning properties…Although I should note that I personally haven’t had any trouble in that sense (= with blood-thinning, I mean)…but then, we’re all different and therefore react differently to the exact same substance…So it’s definitely something that I’d be cautious about and would discuss with my doctor…

Your thoughts? 


  1. I did not tolerate cucurmin at all! (too bad, really). I do just fine with aspirin, so maybe this will work for me? I am most definitely interested! Still smoldering…….

  2. Hey Margaret, SMM here as well. Just this Thursday, I sent the study and Dr. Durie’s statement to my cardiologist and gastroenterologist for their input/thoughts to determine if I could give this a try and determine any possible contradictions for my personal situation. I am considering , 325mg at least 5 days per week or 4 doses of 81mg throughout the day. Not sure yet, as I never really have taken aspirin and not sure how I will do on it GI wise. I am waiting to hear from both of them to discuss. I am taking curcumin w/o any problems for the past 1.5 years. Best to you, Dana

  3. I’ve been smoldering nicely for 7.5 years, however, I have Bence Jones Disease (protein found in the urine) and should avoid taking aspirin which is an NSAID. NSAIDs are not recommended for those of us with kidney problems. Just sharing!

  4. I was recently diagnosed with stomach ulcers of a type resulting from anti-inflammatory drugs. So no aspirin for me, and I am hoping curcumin is not the culprit! I have reduced the bioperine component!

  5. I take 81 mg of Aspirin for heart disease (stents) my MGUS is holding steady, no problems with curcumin and Aspirin as far as bleeding is concerned. Had recent surgery (polyp removal from uterus) and had no problem with my fishoil, curcumin, Aspirin and other anti inflammatory supplements. So I shall continue using Aspirin.

  6. Margaret, another topic. I read an (Dutch) article about the risks of antioxidants. Cancer cells produce antioxidants himself to kill free radicals, so that the cancercel does not die. James Watson Hypothesis Links Cancer to Antioxidants (

    Oxidants, antioxidants and the current incurability of metastatic cancers (

    If this is true, is there also a risk, for example cucumin, vitamin D3, selenium etc.?
    What I understand is that we should not rely too much on antioxidants.

    If a read: ‘Study of antioxidant levels in patients with multiple myeloma’ ( and ‘Guide To Nutrition In Multiple Myeloma – Part 2: Supplements’ ( I am not sure what is best: taking some antioxidants or not. This seems a bit like aspirin dellema.

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