December test results

I had blood tests (and the Bence Jones 24-hour urine test) last week.

This afternoon I got my results. Here goes, in a nutshell:

  • My M-spike has gone down (it has actually been going down a wee bit for the past two tests, so this is the third “wee bit down”).
  • Total IgG is also down (for the second time, when compared to my last few tests).
  • My hemoglobin is in the normal range, even though my red blood cells are slightly low, but just slightly.
  • Everything else looks pretty much the same. Almost everything, certainly anything of importance, is a wee bit better compared to my most recent tests. For example, my monoclonal component hasn’t been this low since 2012. And my freelite chains have also gone down quite a bit.
  • No Bence Jones. Yaaaay!

You are probably curious to know what I’ve been taking. Not much, actually. I mean, in addition to using Nigella sativa in my food, I’ve been taking my usual 8 grams of C3 Complex curcumin a day, divided into two doses (4 grams at lunchtime, 4 at dinnertime). And, since last summer, I have been testing a Ganoderma lucidum supplement: 960 mg, twice a day (again, lunch and dinner, together with the curcumin). Well, the Ganoderma seems to have done something, for sure.

Or could it simply be the “kitten” effect (see photo of Pandora, left; Pixie, right)? Meow!!! 

Who knows? 😉

Anyway, whatever the cause, these results confirm that I’m stable…And to think that more than 12 years have passed since my SMM diagnosis…

Well, well, well! Stefano and I certainly have some celebrating to do this evening. 🙂

Ciao, everyone, and may the holiday season bring GOOD NEWS to you, too!!!


  1. Cara Margaret, sono molto felice dei tuoi buoni risultati.
    invece io ho voluto provare “full spectrum curcumin” ma non ha funzionato: i miei risultati sono un po’ peggiorati. penso cmq di tornare alla C3 complex che mi sembra riesca a dare risultati migliori.

  2. Ciao Margaret, mi puoi dire quale marca di integratore (reishi) stai usando? Voglio sperimentarlo anch’io ( SMM diagnosticato da maggio 2016). Grazie Carla

  3. Hi Margaret,

    Can you let me know what ganoderma lucidum supplements you are taking? My Mum has multiple myeloma and has just started taking a curcumin supplement. I would like to get her taking the ganoderma alongside it.

    Great blog! Thank you!


  4. Fantastic news! May I wish you seasons greetings and I cannot thank enough for the blog. It is a constant support and comfort to me and so many.

  5. Hi:

    At one time you believed in the “bombing” method of taking all of the curcumin at one time. Do you now believe there is s benefit to dividing the dose or is it just a matter of choice? Thanks so much for all you do!

    1. Hi PH, I think you must do whatever works for you. I’ve tried both methods (bombing and dividing), and the easiest for me is dividing the two doses. That doesn’t mean that I don’t still “bomb” at times, for example if I’m out all day and don’t have my curcumin with me. But the “two dose” method seems to work best for me…and for now! 🙂

  6. Hi Margaret,

    Quick question: Do you use a Ganoderma (reishi) extract or just the ground up mycelium ?

    Happy New Year and thank you for all the information you provide!

  7. Hi, my result using Reishi for 2 and1/2 month : my lambda rise and my Kappa to, so at the end the FLC ratio is at the same %, my question is about LDH ( in dec. was at 217 and now is back on the normal range 209, is it due to Ganoderma or astragalo that I started 1 month ago,… or is just a fluctuation?

  8. About Reishi and 2 other mushrooms …

    One of the hypotheses in myeloma is that the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) would be involved.

    EBV is a major risk factor in lymphoma, myeloma, leukemia and stomach cancer.

    I read (French site, link below ) that Coriolus, Reishi (ganoderma lucidum) and Shiitake are the champions of the antiviral fight.

    Taking Reishi, already, could therefore be effective against myeloma, in theory (I remain cautious about the effects of the mushroom).

      “Taking Coriolus and Ganoderm (400 mg daily for two to three months) at the same time as correcting vitamin D deficiency reduces the rate of recurrence by 2. In case of resistance, we associate the Shiitake ( 200mg a day) to these two mushrooms. ”

    I bought Reishi, and I’m thinking of starting it soon. But I already take several dietary supplements, including turmeric, quercetin, vitamin D3, etc.

    My next analyzes are in three months …

    Smoldering myeloma

  9. Jacqueline, The EBV link to MGUS/myeloma seems to be more than a hypothesis. I have a number of PubMed articles, and other journal articles as well, which show this to be the case. I’ve been collecting them to provide ammunition to my hemo doc who at my last visit didn’t seem to place much credibility on that possibility.
    Almost doesn’t matter what she thinks…. cuz ‘lowering my viral load’ strategy is now my main focus.

    I imagine many here are skeptical of what the ‘Medical Medium’ has to say re EBV. However, his suggestion to drink celery juice first thing in the a.m. has made a difference in my digestion. He also has a number of good ideas for addressing viral load which I’m implementing.

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