Never say never…

Just a little while ago I was writing (boasting!) that I haven’t been really ill in ages and haven’t had an antibiotic in ages…

But first things first.

On Tuesday night, after a long period of illness and suffering (especially in the past few weeks), my father-in-law died in a Florentine hospital. An awful, awful period for all of us. 

On Wednesday afternoon we were at his wake, and that’s when I began feeling a bit “odd.” But it wasn’t until Thursday morning that I began coughing. Ah yes, THE cough. The familiar cough. I had to nip it in the bud. I called my family doctor who agreed that I should immediately start taking an antibiotic.

I actually didn’t feel too bad on Friday morning. And in fact I went to my father-in-law’s funeral in the afternoon.

After the funeral, Stefano and his brother left for Southern Italy, where my father-in-law is now buried. I was supposed to go with them, but the doctor had advised me to stay at home, just to be on the safe side. Luckily, I followed his advice…

That night I tossed and turned and had a very hard time sleeping…and on Friday morning I woke up with a fever of almost 101° (38.3° Celsius)…and nausea and weakness. I spent the day in bed, surrounded by my cats…

Well, today I’m fine, I really am. I still have a bit of a sniffle and one of those sporadic, annoying, itch-in-the-throat coughs, but the fever and nausea (thank goodness!) are completely gone…So it was just a 24-hour bug. 

Now, not that we need any more proof that stress is extremely bad for us immunocompromised folks, but that is why I’m telling you this story today. Of course, sometimes we can’t avoid stress…as in this case, obviously…

Well, I just finished watching a movie and now I’m going to make myself a cup of organic dandelion root tea with Manuka honey. But I thought I’d post this quick note on the blog, in case some of you were wondering why I’d disappeared…


  1. Margaret.
    You are right. But we all have so kind of stress in our life’s
    I loss my father in law last dec it was hard to way him die
    Cause it brought up my own dad passing in 81 from myeloma
    Which i have too.
    But a good cry lets it all out.
    Best to you. Hope you feel better soon.
    USA. South Carolina.

  2. Margaret, Sympathy to you and your family. I hope you return to your good health very soon. Sincerely, Debi

  3. Dear Margaret,

    I’m sorry to hear about Stefano’s father. I’m glad your malaise was short-lived. You and Stefano take care!


  4. Holding you in the Light, knowing that Stefano’s father has gone to it and wishing you both comfort and contacts to remind you of his special spirit at this sad time. And seeing you healthy and well now!

  5. Dear Margaret:
    Hope you feel better real soon, please take care of yourself. So sorry about your father in law. Get well soon, Beatrice

  6. Dear Margaret and Stefano,
    I am so saddened to hear of your loss. My sincere sympathies. Take care of yourself.

  7. Margaret, I am very sorry to hear about the passing of your father-in-law. Please extend my condolences to Stefano. I am glad to read that you are now recovered from you recent illness and about to enjoy a trip to Scotland! Stay well, Andrea.

  8. oh dear… i missed this news, busy with my Workshop in Tuscany. So sad, I know it has been hard for so long for everyone involved.

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