Birthday party…

Just a couple of photos from my very successful birthday party, the first of at least two…The second party will be bigger, with more friends, and will probably take place in September, after everyone gets back from the summer holidays.

The first photo shows a watermelon that DB (blog reader, now friend) carved into the shape of a basket. Isn’t it wonderful?

She filled it with a lovely, colorful, wacky but tasty salad made with watermelon, avocado, tomatoes, cucumbers, mint and other herbs. I forget what else was in it…Anyway, very creative. 

The secondo photo shows part of our after-dinner entertainment. (With five crazy kitties, there’s always something going on in our house… 🙂 ) When Stefano began dangling a yellow ribbon in front of Peekaboo, she went absolutely nuts, jumping all over the place and finally climbing up the back of one of our dining room chairs like a monkey…

A very funny moment…

(On the left you can see Stefano’s hand holding the chair so that it wouldn’t topple over with Peekaboo on it. 🙂 ) 


  1. I use to have an adorable mini black and tan daschsund that loved pasta. I would hold spaghetti up high so it touched her nose and she would chomp it down and eat it as it got smaller and smaller. They are the cutest dogs, and so lovable! I love your kitties. I now only have one cat, no dogs. I’m hoping to travel when I get well enough. Then I will have someone stay in my place and take care of my cat, who actually is my best friend! Jan

  2. I’m in Seattle awaiting the arrival of the twins in the MM household… very exciting days and the three cats – an elderly Siamese and two youthful, but rather shy, Lilac Siamese kitties – are blissfully unaware of what is about to happen. My 8 yr-old granddaughter however, would prefer that her mother was about to deliver twin kittens instead of anything else.

    Glad your birthday was a success and Peekaboo reminds me of my Sombra (Shadow) who is probably quite lonely for me in South America. HOpe to be returning there before long.

  3. That is a very interesting combination in the watermelon basket and it sounds delicious! As always, love the kitty pic. Aren’t they fun? Sounds like a wonderful beginning to an ongoing birthday celebration!

  4. Wishing you many more healthy happy years with your cat family and husband, stay well, we all love you, Trixi

  5. Hope you are enjoying all your birthday celebrations.Most of my Italian friends have a birthday week, with many get togethers of friends and family, instead of just the one day. Lots of fun! A great tradition that I think everyone should take up. Best wishes and thanks again for your continued health blog!

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