The Australian MGUS and SMM-curcumin trial data just got published…

That’s right. I just finished reading the just-published Australian MGUS and SMM-curcumin trial results. All the new data. Wow. Here is the abstract: This, incidentally, was a randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over study, followed by an open-label extension study… whoa…mouthful…

After getting home from work and getting my hands on the full text (thank you, you-know-who!!!), I wrote a post about it, but I confess to feeling quite tired now. Yeah. Zzzz. Almost time for supper over here in Firenze, Italia. So I’m going to put my draft aside and edit it tomorrow with a fresh mind…Plus, that will give me enough time to go through the study once more to see if I missed any important bits. 

Oh wait, one thing. Please notice the abstract’s Conclusion: These findings suggest that curcumin might have the potential to slow the disease process in patients with MGUS and SMM

POSSIBLY SLOW THE DISEASE PROCESS!!! (I’ll discuss the implications tomorrow.)

Hah and double HAH! So much for what all those multiple myeloma specialists told me in 2005: that there was “nothing” I could do to slow down the progression to active myeloma…So much for that…yup…

Since Stefano isn’t home from work yet, I’m hugging and kissing my youngest kitty, Pinga, who is sitting on her folded cat blanket, between me and the keyboard (her favorite spot). She doesn’t seem all that impressed, though… 😉



  1. YIPPEE! I just got my test results today…my m-spike dropped! I’m convinced it’s the curcumin–it’s also really helped my PN. I started it just after my last test 6 months ago. THANK YOU, MARGARET!

    [the anti-spam word for this post is “feast”–that’s how I’m feeling right now]

  2. Dear Margaret,
    This is indeed an exiting australian trial!
    In the article I read nothing about piperine added which is known to promote resorption of curcumin from the intestines [what you certainly know]
    If you are going to contact the writers: maybe an interesting question?
    So long!

  3. My husband was diagnosed with MM in August of 2011. We have decided to go the “control” route and he is being treated by Dr James Berenson. He has just begun his 8th and final round of DVD therapy. (dex,velcade,doxcil) He will begin maintenance therapy next. His last M-spike was .81 and his IgG 1080.
    I have been appointed his “education czar” however this medical jargon is new and confusing. The curcumin info is exciting and promising to me. I have spent hours reading this blog and other recommended sources and can not piece together the final answer on curcumin/black cumin/nigella sativa dosage. Would someone please give me the bottom line?

    I have gone to the My Spice Age site but I am not sure what to order or how much he should be taking. Where do I find the capsules and what dosage? I will have to convince him this is not “poppycock” so capsules would be an easier sell. Many thanks from a newbie caregiver.

  4. Hi Peter
    I was on the Australian trials, and no the c3 complex that we took did not have bioperine in them and it still seemed to work. I am still stable after a year and have never felt better. I do now take the curcumin with bioperine.

  5. Hi Libby
    My husband was recently diagnosed with smouldering myeloma so all this is new to us. We live in Australia and I am interested in the brand of curcumin you are taking and where you get it from please. Thanks.

  6. Hi Barbara

    I get mine from the USA, it is far cheaper that Austalia. I get mine from vitacost or ageless cures, you can google website. I get the c3 Complex with bioperine 500mg. If you need anymore information you are welcome to email me. Good luck

  7. Did the Australia trial participants take the daily dose all at once (Margaret’s Atomic Bomb) or at intervals throughout the day?

  8. Hi Billy, we took the 8g dose in two doses, 4g in the morning and 4g in the evening before meals. On the 4g leg it was also split morning and evening

  9. Hi folks. Does anybody know. Is curcumin as effective with full blown multiple myeloma as it appears to be with smouldering myeloma?

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