Two curcumin analogs squash the growth of multiple myeloma cells…

On November 26 I received a Google Alert about an “Anticancer Research” November 2011 abstract discussing not just one but TWO curcumin analogs, GO-YO30 and GO-YO78, which have shown much stronger growth-suppressive activity against myeloma cells than plain old curcumin: They also very strongly suppressed many bothersome (in cancer) pathways, including our old nemesis, NF-kappaB, which is very much involved in the well-being of myeloma cells…again, much more effectively than regular curcumin…up to 15 times more!

I tried to get my hands on the full study, but without any luck. And that is mainly why I didn’t finish my post last week, leaving it in draft form. Oh okay, it’s time now to fess up: I totally FORGOT about it. 🙂 Until yesterday, which is when several attentive blog readers (thanks!!!) sent me messages about these two analogs. Ah yes. Right. Ehm. I went back to my crowded desktop and fished out my draft…

Today, thanks to the kindness of a friend, I was able to have a look at the full text of a May 2011 study on GO-YO30 (, written by the same Japanese researchers (the same who wrote the MM study, that is) who showed that this analog was ten to twenty times (!!!) stronger than regular curcumin against thyroid and pancreatic cancers and cholangiocarcinoma cells. Now, although that particular study didn’t test any myeloma cells, it proved that GO-YO30 had a big impact on ALL the evil thingies that are active in myeloma, too.

Yes, of course, these tests were carried out on CELLS, not on humans. But I would like to point out that when I first began taking curcumin, all the available information on curcumin and myeloma had to do with studies carried out only on CELLS. There were no human clinical trial results. In fact, the number of studies on curcumin and cancer was a mere fraction of what we have today. The only thing I knew for sure back then was that curcumin was non toxic. But hey, I’ve been stable for almost six years now. So, you see, I tend to pay attention to some of these “cell-only” studies…

Now, in the above-mentioned May 2011 study (the full text) the researchers suggest that it might be a good idea to combine the curcumin analogs with chemo drugs that activate NF-kappaB (= a bad thing!). Since these curcumin analogs suppress NF-kappaB, perhaps this annoying pathway would NOT get activated, which means that the drugs would work better. Interesting. Obviously, more tests are needed…but wouldn’t it be wonderful if these combinations worked synergistically? Taking that a step further, thanks to the use of curcumin analogs, perhaps some day doctors would be able to administer lower doses of toxic chemo drugs, thus reducing negative side effects…How does that sound? 🙂

Another titbit: GO-YO30, like curcumin, inhibits the Wnt signaling pathway. That is excellent news. As you may remember, this particular pathway is involved in myeloma growth and proliferation…

By the way, this is not the first time I’ve read about GO-YO30. On the contrary, in 2009, after learning of its effects on colorectal carcinoma (see:, I created the above-mentioned Google Alert

Well, we’ll just have to sit back and see what happens. But if we keep getting this great news about GO-YO30 and (now) GO-YO78, you can bet your favorite dance shoes that I’ll be first in line when they both come out on the market… 🙂


  1. This sounds so promising. Unfortunately, unlike other natural supplements (i.e. pterostilbene), it doesn’t seem to be available outside of the research community. Maybe, we can contact them about how to obtain it? Thanks for all of your work/research. Terry from NJ.

  2. Hi, Paula, that’s great. Let us all know if they respond. You live in a place I dream about visiting. Someday….

  3. Margaret,

    I noticed that Paula from NZ provided website for Japanese company selling high bioavaialblity curcumin (nano-curcumin).

    Do you happen to have any feedback from your bloggers on the efficacy of this curccumin type?

  4. I looked at Theravalues’ web site, but couldn’t tell if their high-bio-availability curcumin (“Theracurmin”) includes bioperene, the black pepper extract that enhances bio-availability.

    I also notice they’re selling it at a much higher price than powdered curcumin – about 4000 yen = about $50US for 30 30mg pills. I can get 60 875mg powder caps for about $20. Even equating their 30mg pill with a 1000mg curcumin powder cap in terms of bio-availability, this is close to 5x the price.

  5. Should I look for Tumeric or curcumin? How should I take it? I now just sprinkle a small espresso sized teaspoon or Tumeric spice that I bought at the local grocer into my teapot. Is this the right way to get the maximum dose? Is there a website that explains all this without trying to sell you things?

  6. There have been several studies suggesting that curcumin may interfer with cytoxin. Does anyone have info on this? Thanks.

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