If you live in Italy, you can order your curcumin (or whatever) from a very friendly pharmacy (with a galenic lab) located in Calenzano, right outside of Florence: www.farmaciabalducci.it
And it gets better: if you live in Tuscany (well, unless you live too far from Florence), the pharmacy staff will deliver your order right to your door, otherwise they will mail it to you. Very highly recommended by yours truly…okay, now in Italian.
Per chi vive in Italia: potete ordinare la curcumina (e tante altre cose!) presso la Farmacia Balducci di Calenzano (provincia di Firenze) che ha al suo interno anche un laboratorio galenico (cliccate sul link di cui sopra). Se abitate nei dintorni di FI, il vostro ordine vi verrà recapitato direttamente a casa…altrimenti, verrà spedito per posta.
Nota bene 1: 1. il gentilissimo Dr. Balducci usa la curcumina C3 Complex, la stessa che è stata usata nello studio clinico mieloma-curcumina svoltosi alla MD Anderson Cancer Research Center, università del Texas. Meglio di così…!
Nota bene 2: Se volete arrivare a 8 grammi di curcumina al giorno, vi consiglio di non superare la dose di 15-20 mg di piperina (= di solito questa viene abbinata alla curcumina per favorirne l’assorbimento), per cui vi consiglio di parlate direttamente col Dr. Balducci per decidere la dose di piperina e curcumina per ogni capsula. Sono certa che vi saprà consigliare bene, anzi benissimo!
Hello Margaret,
I’ve been following your blog with great interest for the past couple of years and was delighted to read this morning of your father-in-law’s good news! I have IGA MGUS – 5 years identified – and started taking curcumin at a relatively low dose about 6 months ago. It has appeared to, indeed, work as an anti-inflammatory for me and I’ll learn shortly if its had any impact on my MGUS numbers. I came across the following article from a Cancer Research page on my Yahoo alerts today that gave me some pause and wonder if – given your knowledge base- you might consider reading it and commenting as time allows.
Also, thanks for the warning that the version of curcumin containing black pepper might impact thyroid function; I switched to that form about a month ago and am starting to suffer some fatigue that isn’t characteristic of me. I will back off of the pepper additive if my thyroid numbers have changed in the wrong direction. BTW, my family hales from the Calabria region of Southern Italy and the MGUS/MM expert I consulted with at the Dana-Farber Clinic in Boston told me that there is a high incidence of MGUS in people from the Southern Mediterranean region. I wonder if your research has indicated the same, especially as there is a high incidence of autoimmune deficiency of one type or another in my immediate family members.
Thank you, Margaret, for all you to do both keep us well informed and remind us to laugh and make the most of each day.
Be Well,
potrei aggiungere che il loro laboratorio è in grado di preparare anche altri prodotti, recentemente mi hanno preparato confezioni di ashwaghanda a prezzi concorrenziali,
Did ya notice…it takes a lot more words to say it in Italian than in English!! : ) Hey, we didn’t get a smiley face either! What’s up with that!! : ) Just kidding…
Hi Tina, I read a related study in mid February written by these authors and a couple of others…in fact, you reminded me of the draft that I wrote back then but didn’t publish (my father-in-law’s “news” put everything on hold for a while)…Yes indeed!, I have more than a few comments on this particular topic (!), just give me a few more days so I can finish reviewing my old draft. Thanks for reminding me!
Donna, since you don’t live in Florence Italy (as far as I know! ;-)), I figured you didn’t need a lot of info about this pharmacy. But okay, here is your smiley, this one is just for YOU:
Got it!! I feel so much better now! : ) My Italian is a little rusty so when I read “MD Anderson Cancer Research Center” in your Italian section, I thought you might be elaborating just a bit! Funny how those words look the same in Italian as they do in English!!! hahaha Just kidding…AGAIN!!! Have a great day!
Thanks, Margaret,
I’ll look forward to your post on the subject. Enjoy the spring weather (we’re so grateful here in the Northeast US this year) and keep celebrating small miracles.
Hi Margaret,
Here I found the whole article (you’ve probably already read it): http://www.spandidos-publications.com/etm/1/2/265
From what I understand, this is the risk:it is known that curcumin inhibits interleukin-12 production in dendritic cells, thereby dampening the Th1 response. It is also well established that Th1 cells are protective against invading pathogens and tumors.
Question is what can we do to prevent Turmeric inhibits IL-12?
I’m curious about your vision and study
Another thought (following the warning not to take too much pepperine): If pepperine increases the effect of curcuma, it might be an option for less than eight grams to take? In the same extent as pepperine increases the effect?
Enjoy the spring
I think I have misunderstood the article:curcumin inhibits interleukin-12 production in dendritic cells. That is good because IL-12 is pro-inflammatory?
Margaret I have a question you might be able to answer. I am not a smoldering myeloma survivor, but a bladder cancer survivor. When I read what you wrote on the bio-availability of curcumin it made me wonder if I and those of my friends that have had a radical cystectomy would be able to benefit from curcumin? You said ” I believe it is because the way the body digests fat is that it the chunks go through the stomach and then it becomes emulsified when bile is added to the initial end of the small intestine. Then those small droplets of oil, containing molecules of dissolved curcumin, are small enough to pass through the vilii of the small intestine into the network of lymph ducts that parallel all the network of blood veins, into which other molecules enter through the vein pores in the walls of the vessels (but the fat droplets don’t).”
People that have had a radical cystectomy as part of their bladder cancer treatment are missing 18 to 20 inches of their small intestine. I know that you are not an expert in bladder cancer, but have you ever read anything that would suggest that those with a shortened bowel would not be able to absorb curcumin properly?
Hi Margaret,
where can we find curcumin outside USA ?
Is Doctors Best a good choice?
Thank You for everything!!!
Hans: I think we all need to find the dose that works for our particular case. I tried taking 4 grams (it was a mistake, actually) a few years ago, and my MM markers went up. Sherlock is currently doing well on 6 grams. I am still taking 8 but am considering doing a trial of 6, too.
Charlotte: I would ask Prof. Aggarwal that question. I really cannot answer it…sorry! His e-mail address is readily available online.
Joao: I have a few European sources (see my Curcumin Sources Page on the right). If that doesn’t help, you will have to rely on Google. I take Doctor’s Best, so yes, in my opinion it is a good choice.