Premise 1. Stefano stores his palm pilot (a sort of fancy flat cell phone with all sorts of neat features) inside a nice black cloth bag with a drawstring (see photo 2).
Premise 2. Peekaboo loves socks (photo 1)…so much so that I always have to be careful to put away our clean laundry immediately, or the socks will disappear…sometimes for weeks. Peekaboo, you see, will go through an entire pile of laundry just to pick out the pairs of socks, which she then carries off proudly, tail straight up in the air, head held up high (funniest thing to watch). I thought I was being oh so very smart when one day I presented her with her own pair of clean (but old and a bit tatty) pair of socks, tied just the way she likes them…but no, she is not easily fooled. She prefers the smell and feel of freshly-laundered socks. Oh well…it’s a small price to pay to have such an adorable little creature in our lives…
Premise 3. I am almost positive that Peekaboo has secretly been reading and getting ideas from the first Simon’s Cat book that I gave to Stefano for Xmas…
The Story. On Sunday morning, Stefano couldn’t find his palm pilot anywhere. We searched the entire house for it, upstairs, downstairs, under things, on top of things, inside drawers, everywhere. It was gone. Vanished. Poof! He was understandably very upset…then, in late morning, he found it lying on our dark living room rug, still inside the cloth bag (photo 2, on the left). Phew, close call. We could have easily stepped on it by mistake…
Well, he figured out what had happened. The previous evening he had left his palm pilot on the top shelf of his tall bookcase in the attic. During the night, Peekaboo must have spotted it and taken it for a pair of socks. Somehow our little monkey climbed all the way up to the top shelf…
She then carried the palm pilot down two flights of stairs to the living room (we live in a row house) without harming it in any way. I tell you, she is very careful with her “socks”!
But here comes the best part of the story…
Later on that day Stefano got a rather puzzled call from his brother who asked: “hey, ciao, did you call me very very early this morning?” Stefano replied, even more puzzled: “No, I didn’t.”
Then it dawned on him.
Peekaboo had made the call…
Do your cats speak Italian or English?
My cats are essentially bilingual, John, but their Italian is stronger, so right now they are trying to improve their English pronunciation with tongue twisters such as: “The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes” and “The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick.”
Love that story! Maybe Stefano should store his palm pilot in the sock drawer
I have to be careful not to turn my face away from my chest of drawers if I have a drawer pulled open. I did so once, and when I turned back to it to push it closed, the most awful wail went up. Our cat had jumped into the drawer and then had somehow squeezed herself over the back of it to settle behind the drawer. Luckily I hadn’t pushed very hard! Despite her bad experience, she still tries to climb into the drawers.
I have a friend whose cat has taken over one of her chest drawers and sleeps in it.
You are lucky that kitty did not decide to make an overseas call! m My RayRay likes to jump in the dryer and play in the clean laundry with his dirty paws!