DMAPT update

This morning I received a Google Alert about DMAPT, which, as you may recall, is the parthenolide analogue (from feverfew, see image on the left) that targets leukemic stem cells and will be tested soon (I hope!) in clinical trials. For more info on this topic, see my parthenolide/DMAPT page on the right-hand of your screen.

The first clinical trial will begin in England. If successful, it will be followed by others in the States. Apparently, there have been some bureaucratic hurdles (such as regulatory approval), but patient selection in the UK may begin this month.

I want to see if I might qualify for this trial, so this morning I decided to write to the chief investigators to obtain more information, if possible.

I have already sent off one e-mail and will write another, more detailed one, later on today. I hope to be a frequent flyer to the UK soon! Fingers crossed!

Late morning update: I just sent a query to the senior author of the DMAPT "Blood" study. Now I just have to sit back and wait.


  1. I have nothing but admiration for your go for it attitude, I want to but I can’t quite make myself step off the ledge (if you know what I mean) I did start taking standardised fewerfew after my last blood test although I doubt the quantity will be enough to have any effect, but we will see. I have my next lot of tests next week, Ill let you know my results as soon as I get them.

    All the best


  2. I hope you get into this trial, you deserve it. I have been doing a bit of reading and its sounding very good for a lot of different cancers.

    Be well

  3. Sono affetto da LMC vorrei sapere che tipo di fewerfew posso prendere in dosaggio.grazie.saluti cordiali.

  4. I reread your page on DMAPT, and this one looks VERY good. If I had progressed to MM, I’d be right in there with you on this one. Here’s hoping that you get the cure! I’ll be rooting for you all the way. God bless you, and stay well!

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