More on healthful purring

A blog reader (thank you soooo soooo much!) translated the cat-relevant part of the 2003 Swedish study, Purr as a cat–and avoid osteoporosis, which I mentioned in my recent cat purring/bone healing post. Fabulous! So today I am going to post a quick update containing most of his translation. I have highlighted (in bold) a few of the more important, in my opinion, passages:


WHY do cats have such strong bones and so rarely bone defects and fractures compared with dogs? According to new evidence and theories, it is their purring which seems to be healing and strengthening for bone tissue. Purring provides vibrations which stimulate bone cells.


The cat achieves its purring via nerve pulses to the musculature of the throat and abdomen, according to A. L. Lyons, veterinarian at the University of California, Davis. In doing so, it sets an elastic sinew, between the clavicle and the windpipe, in vibration. The sinew vibrates at both inhalation and exhalation of the domestic cats according to a fixed pattern and frequency. Variations in frequency range between 25-150 hertz, and cats can vary the strength of their purr. Among big cats, however, the vibrations are limited to exhalation. The frequency range is especially interesting because it corresponds well with the frequencies that researchers in animal experiments have found can stimulate bone density and the healing of fractures.


Cats are hunters and strongly dependent on speed and strength of muscles and skeleton.  The cheetah, the fastest land animal on Earth, creeps up slowly on its prey and then accelerates lightning-fast to speeds that can approach 100 km per hour, then it strikes down its quarry within about 20 seconds. The final hunting phase rarely lasts more than a minute.


An animal weighing between 40 and 65 kg can make bring down a catch of up to 40 kg. But it eats an average of under 3 kg of meat a day. Therefore, its life on the savannah consists largely of lying still – the greatest risk factor for osteoporosis and muscle atrophy! The small amount of physical activity these quadrupeds normally expose their bones and muscles to in their survival on the savannah is hardly sufficient for them to be in the highest trim.


But purring is a mechanism that requires small amounts of energy and yet can still stimulate muscles and bone to strength and explains the cat’s performance ability despite the low level of exercise [=my Puzzola in this recent photo]. Perhaps it can also provide the background to the proverb that the cat has nine lives, as the purr vibrations should facilitate the healing of fractures and other tissue damage in reference to what has been shown in animal experiments in the laboratory environment.


Obviously, it is tempting to argue that cats purr for them to feel satisfied, but it’s more likely that their purring is partly a way for them to communicate and that it is also a potential source of self-healing and strengthening of the muscles and skeleton.


[…] Maria Sääf at the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm, who has long studied the issues surrounding osteoporosis, […] was very enthusiastic about the possibility that vibration could also be beneficial for people with osteoporosis. A couple of pieces fell into place when she told me how vibrations are already being used in sports medicine to stimulate healing processes for injured elite athletes and that there is a new prototype machine at a school for children with limited movement which actually works with vibration technology. Her database search gave many hits of studies of the effects of vibrations on bone strength in animal experiments. But unfortunately there was a lack of work with results from human trials.


My reader/Swedish translator told me about a purring 2003 “Scientific American” article. I looked it up: And, while reading it, I remembered that all of my cats purred like mad after they had been “fixed.” At the time, I thought that they were simply happy to be home. How silly of me! Now their purring makes more sense: they were healing themselves, and, in fact, I bet that their purring helped alleviate the pain that they must have been feeling, poor dears.


The SciAm article confirms that purring corresponds to sound frequencies that have been shown to improve bone density and promote healing. And, interestingly, both the Swedish study and the SciAm article discuss the fact that cats do not display as many muscle and bone abnormalities as their more strongly selected carnivore relative, the domestic dog. Perhaps cats’ purring helps alleviate the dysplasia or osteoporotic conditions that are more common in their canid cousins.


So snuggle up to your cat or cats, as I have been doing more and more lately. Let me warn you that snuggling could have unfortunate consequences. You see, now, every time I sit or lie down during the day, Priscilla demands in no uncertain terms to get under my sweater (see photo: so far, this is the best shot I have been able to get of her under my sweatshirt). Ignoring her is not an option. And her insistence can get to be a real drag when I am busily typing or reading. But then I think about my bones and how her purring may prevent future problems for me…

Unruly roommates…

What ever possessed me to ask the question “what is myeloma”? One thing led to another this morning, and I found myself doing a heap of research when I wasn’t raking leaves in the back yard (sigh). Unanticipated research. And plenty of thinking and pondering and re-thinking and re-pondering…Finally, I said basta! Thing is, after reading word definitions and poring over treatises (I went as far back in time as Plato’s Timaeus), I decided to delete most of my draft. It got too long and too boring, even for me! 😉


Some official definitions tell us that myeloma is a “disease.” Interestingly, and this is something that I had never realized until now, “disease” and “illness” are the same word in Italian: malattia. But for me, malattia means that you are ill. I don’t associate malattia with “disease,” since you can have a disease but not necessarily be ill. Right?


Interesting cultural difference, here, perhaps…and take a look at this excerpt from the myeloma patients’ guidebook published by the Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori in Milan. It begins with the definition of myeloma: Il Mieloma Multiplo è una malattia del midollo osseo che colpisce in prevalenza persone adulte ed anziane. (=Multiple myeloma is a disease/illness of the bone marrow that affects mainly adults and the elderly.) Do I translate that as “disease” or “illness”? Heh.


Anyway, I really liked the view of myeloma as a “challenge” and a “pain in the …” (the latter, in a private communication). And, of course, as an “accident.” A molecular accident.


Well, after all, it really boils down to semantics. If you look for synonyms of “disease,” you will find everything from “cancer” and “ache” to “misery” and “canker”…oh yes, AND “illness.” The antonym of “disease” is “health.” So is myeloma a “disease,” after all?


But so is the bubonic plague. So is distemper. So is the flu. So is tuberculosis. So are lots of things. Can’t we do better than that?


And so we get to the rest of my story, as promised.


As soon as Stefano pronounced the word malattia the other night, I pounced on the poor chap. Do I have a fever?, I demanded. Do I have a cold? No. Precisely. So I am not ill.  I don’t feel ill. I am not contagious. I don’t look ill. (Note: this was before I realized that illness and disease are the same word in Italian.)


As I mentioned, I looked up all the various definitions of “cancer,” “illness” and “disease.” I looked up the definition of “myeloma” on various sites. But I wanted something more personal. My own definition. After all, myeloma is affecting MY body, my bone marrow, my blood. I am still pondering, but as of now I see myeloma as a part of me. Oh, there is no question that it is an unwanted part, and if I could make it disappear into thin air right now, I would (even though I agree with LPC’s comment).


Some time ago, I don’t recall where, I read what I thought was an appropriate description of myeloma: a bothersome roommate. I liked that image and borrowed it.


The roommate image reminded me, in fact, of a couple of really dreadful housemates that I had during my first year in college. They were definitely the CHFH, or College Housemates from Hell. They were messy and dirty and noisy and immature and silly. They took forever in the bathroom. They never cleaned up the bathroom or the kitchen (or the rest of the house, for that matter). Their idea of fun was to drive around at night throwing eggs randomly at people walking on the street (when I told them that I thought that was dangerous etc. etc. etc., they laughed at me for being such a fuddy-duddy). Oh, the list goes on and on and on. Luckily, in my junior and senior years I had a couple of good housemates, Harvard Law School students, incidentally, at the same time President-elect Barack Obama was there…hey, I wonder if they attended some of the same classes?


At any rate, that is how I see my myeloma…as a messy and at times annoying roommate. But for now I have managed to lock my unruly roommate inside his (her? it? Hmmm, I see another post in the making…the myeloma gender post!) room. And I have no intention of letting him out any time soon. No matter how loudly he hollers.


P.S. An interesting (long) overview of how we define disease and disability. It’s not as easy and straightforward as we might think:


P.P.S.S. A “Proposed Glossary of Cancer”: (excerpt: The term ‘cancer’ is perfectly respectable. The public accepts and uses it. It is in no sense a “dirty word.” Some otherwise forthright medical writers and even speakers before medical audiences nevertheless appear to find the term too crude and inelegant for polite usage and, therefore, resort to ostensibly more refined and erudite euphemisms, such as a ‘malignancy’ or ‘malignant disease.’  


P.P.P.S.S.S. Please watch John’s video (see his comment on my previous post). It’s wonderful: 


Just to end all these “P.S.”s. I’m with William: if someone asks me what myeloma is, I answer “it’s cancer.”


But in my mind and heart, it’s really my unruly roommate.

What is myeloma?


A couple of evenings ago, Stefano referred to myeloma as an “illness.”


Well, today I would like to ask my blog readers: do you agree with him? (for my Italian readers: secondo voi, il mieloma è una malattia?) Just curious. Then I will tell you the rest of the story. 🙂

Purring against myeloma

As many of you already know, I adore cats, the most wonderful creatures in the world. I have four cats now, two years apart in age…even though years ago I found out that I am allergic to them (just my luck!!!), which forces me to use a cortisone inhaler once a day. I don’t mind, though, it’s a small price to pay for all the joy they bring to me and Stefano (who is also probably allergic to our darlings, by the way). Our friends think we’re nuts. That may well be true, but at least we are happy nuts.


Well, after what I read this morning, I am beginning to suspect that they might be giving us more than (allergies and) joy…but let me proceed by degrees.


Priscilla, my second youngest, now 3+ years old, is our “wild” cat. I posted her story on my blog a while ago, but, in a nutshell, I found her abandoned as a tiny kitten on our street and saved her from certain death. Even though we have tamed her to some extent, she still hisses and spits and even growls (sometimes) if you try to pick her up. But she also has a very sweet affectionate side, as my parents well know (she worships them). For instance, whenever we lie down, she nestles next to us or on top of us and purrs and purrs and purrs. She loves to get under blankets (see photo). When I am sitting at my desk, she frequently gets into my lap or tries to perch on my shoulder (well, when she was a baby, she fit right on my shoulder, but now she hooks her claws into me to hold on, ouch!). Or she gets under my sweater. That is her favourite place.


Well, I am no longer going to try to discourage her sweater retreat, even though most of my turtlenecks are full of tiny claw-made holes.


The reason. A blog reader (thanks, Sue!) recently left a blog comment with a link to a page about the healing effect of a cat’s purring: An extraordinary read, I must say. So I decided to have a closer look at this purring business today, even though I really should be working on my more serious piece.


We all know that pets in general (not just cats) have a soothing effect on their “owners,” in terms of reducing blood pressure etc. Indeed, some time ago I think I posted about a study in which folks who do not have cats in their lives had a much higher risk, 30-40% as I recall, of dying from heart attacks or strokes compared to cat “owners.”


At any rate, this morning I did a bit of research on PubMed and came across a few scientific studies that discussed the purring/healing phenomenon. But these studies had no abstracts and were a bit dated, so I won’t even bother asking Sherlock to retrieve them for me. However, I would like to highlight the title of a 2003 Swedish study: Purr as a cat—and avoid osteoporosis. Too bad I don’t know a word of Swedish. Still, an intriguing title, no? 


I did find an article in English addressing the issue of bone healing: The author writes that Consistent vibrational sound frequencies of 25-150 Hz, which is the range of a cat’s purr, aid in the healing of bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles, as well as providing pain relief. Cat lovers, please go have a peek at this article.


Another interesting titbit is that cats purr when frightened or injured or giving birth. Ah, in fact, I have noticed that all of my cats (except for Peekaboo, who is fearless), Priscilla in particular, howl but also purr when I take them to the vet. The purring never made sense until now. So, as the author points out, in addition to expressing contentment, purring must be some sort of survival strategy.


And read this: Cats’ bones heal faster and more easily after fractures than those of dogs. Veterinary medicine researchers note that 90% of cats that plummet from extraordinary heights survive despite serious injuries. There is also evidence that cats are less likely to suffer postoperative complications after surgery than dogs. This rapid healing ability may be attributable to purring. Of course, the conditional tense is used here.


Then we read that Dr. Clinton Rubin [for info on Dr. Rubin, check out:, love that turkey photo, hehe] and his colleagues have discovered that sound frequencies of 20-50 Hz can increase bone density. From what I gather (but I could not find the original study), these researchers performed two tests, one on chickens, the other on rabbits. Both chickens and rabbits had stronger bones after exposure to 20-50 Hz, which also stimulated the healing of broken bones as well as the speed of bone regeneration. Healing of broken bones? Increased speed of bone generation? How much is two plus two?


And here is the clincher:


Cats are also less likely to suffer from osteosarcoma, osteoarthritis and myeloma (a tumor of the bone marrow’s plasma cells). Oh boy!


The rest of the article (the effect of purring on pain relief, tendons and muscles, etc.) is interesting, too. This morning I read online that people suffering from migraines get some relief when purring cats are placed next to their heads. Well, well. And hey, it occurs to me that my cats lie next to me or on me whenever I am ill. When I had pleurisy (and almost kicked the bucket), they were with me all the time. Now I know why. And hey, even if this purring business is an old wives’ tale, isn’t it a good one? I, for one, like to believe it’s true.


Well, heck, now I guess I am going to have to learn how to purr, perhaps while sipping a dark hoppy beer. For the moment, though, I will continue to cuddle my little tiger under my sweater as often as she wants.

It depends

Yesterday morning I handed back the grammar test that my pre-intermediate students took on Friday. My strategy is to have them correct their own mistakes…so what I do is hand them bare copies of the test and quiz them on the parts where they made mistakes. My reasoning is that if I simply gave them the corrected test, they wouldn’t remember anything after two seconds. This way, they have to reflect about the mistakes they made. So far I have found this to be a good method.


One of my funniest students, Colleague C (for a reminder, do a blog search for “moldy bread” 🙂 ) didn’t agree with some of the corrections. She wailed that she feels like a little bird, full of life and ideas and new grammar rules, but stifled inside the cage of English grammar. But, I tell her, rules are rules. Her standard refrain: No, Margaret, it depends.


Let me illustrate this point with an example from one of the exercises, one of those insert-the-missing-preposition exercises: “I’m looking _____ my neighbour’s cat while she’s on holiday.” My students had all answered “for”: “I’m looking for my neighbour’s cat blablabla…”


Yesterday morning, they couldn’t figure out the mistake. They listed all the prepositions that they could remember. They insisted that the correct answer just had to be “look for.” They protested, But Margaret, you told us that “cercare” is translated “to look for.”  True, I answered, but this is not “cercare,  which makes no sense in this context. This is “badare a.”


When I told them that the correct preposition was “after,” Colleague C blurted out: No, no, Margaret, it depends. For example, while the neighbour was on holiday, what if the cat got lost, and I had to look for him? You see, it depends, it always depends on the situation. Well, we did have a bit of a laugh over this one.


Upon reflection, though, so many things in life depend on how you look at specific situations. When you receive bad news, e.g., you can try to examine it from different perspectives…and in the end, it may actually turn out to be not-so-bad news.


Question: was I better off before my myeloma diagnosis or am I better off now? Hmmm. In many ways, as incredible as this is going to sound, I am better off now. I have a purpose and drive that I didn’t have before my diagnosis.


In addition, if I hadn’t begun writing bits and pieces for my blog, I would never have discovered that I can actually write. And writing has now become an important part of my life. Who would have thought? A few years ago, I would have said, no way, I can’t write, period. But here I am, every day, typing away at something, full of ideas. I have written a ton of unpublished blog pieces. Sometimes I write just for fun.


Therefore, for me, having myeloma is not all bad. But if I were in a later stage, and I may get there someday, well, there is no question that I would think differently.


Colleague C is right.


It depends.




One of Stefano’s many areas of expertise is beer. He knows a lot about it and enjoys drinking a beer in summer AND winter…cold, cool and lukewarm, dark and light, different brands from several European countries, including Italy. Always with moderation, of course.


As for me, the only times I manage to swallow a couple of sips of beer is when I am inside an English pub (=once every ten years or so!). Stefano thinks that I prefer English beer because it isn’t as fizzy as beers made in other countries. But his love for, and my general dislike of, beer is not the point of today’s brief post. The point is that, while doing research on a sort of related topic, I came across some very good news for all the myeloma beer drinkers (and, why not?, beer drinkers in general) out there…so here goes.


A group of researchers, including Prof. Aggarwal, tested xanthohumol (XN), a compound extracted from the hop plant, discovering that it has anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and antiangiogenic properties. Their report was published in the October 24 2008 issue of “Blood.” I would love to read the full study, but Sherlock is off on a brief and much-deserved holiday, so I will have to wait until she returns to Firenze. In the meantime, the abstract ( gives us enough food for thought: XN potentiated TNF-induced apoptosis in leukemia and myeloma cells. The words “apoptosis” in the same sentence as “myeloma cells” always make my day.


You can go read about all of xanthohumol‘s other properties, including the downregulation of the infamous hyperactive NF-kappaB (hurrah!). But the important thing is that xanthohumol causes the death of leukemic cells. Yes!


Okay, but what is xanthohumol’s connection to beer? Stefano and other beer connoisseurs probably already knew this, but it was news to me: the hop plant gives aroma and bitterness to beer. And its compound xanthohumol was first isolated thirteen years or so ago by Oregon State University beer drin…I mean, researchers. They discovered that it inhibited tumour growth and enzymes that activate cancer cells.


We shouldn’t forget that lab studies undoubtedly use a pure compound, whereas the one that is found in most beers is probably not so pure. Still, it’s better than nothing. From what I read, if you want your beer to have a higher hop content, choose ale, stout or porter. The darker, the better, apparently (?). I have a feeling that the bitterer beers contain more hops and would thus be preferable to sweeter-tasting beers. But hey, I could be really wrong about that.


In conclusion, I may try drinking some bitter dark beer now and again. And I will never again suggest to Stefano that he might be better off drinking water instead of beer. 🙂


P.S. For more info on hops, see:

You make my blood evaporate

This is a compilation of love song lyrics supposedly translated into English by ESL (English as a Second Language) students. Most amusing, I thought 🙂 :

From morning’s glaring sun to the smelly afternoon,


You are always inside my lonely brain.


I hope we meet in an accident very soon.


My heart will not stop hemorrhaging for you.


The night you squeezed me I visited heaven.


Your love flies me swiftly into a mountain.


You make my heart sour.


One day, you will startle yourself and say “oh no!

Why did I walk the opposite direction of him?


Like the fishes need the ocean beach, I need you.


When you kiss me, you make my blood evaporate.


Your lovely, unwrinkly skin requests my attention


You will always be my lemon moon ray lover.

First steps

A blog reader (thanks!) told me about a study published earlier this month in “Nature.” I’ll start with a quote from the Eureka Alert I read yesterday ( For the first time, scientists have decoded the complete DNA of a cancer patient and traced her disease – acute myelogenous leukemia – to its genetic roots. A large research team at the Genome Sequencing Center and the Siteman Cancer Center at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis sequenced the genome of the patient – a woman in her 50s who ultimately died of her disease – and the genome of her leukemia cells, to identify genetic changes unique to her cancer.


The scientists believe that these genetic changes originated from a single clone (!) and occurred one after the other—a sort of domino effect. They discovered three types of mutated genes: genes that are tumor-suppressors under normal circumstances, genes that promote cancer growth, and genes that may unlock the mystery of chemoresistance. Ahhh, chemoresistance…this phenomenon is unfortunately common to many cancers, including myeloma (incidentally, while doing research for this post I made an unexpected discovery…must do some major research this weekend…hope it pans out!).


The Eureka Alert provides a good, easy-to-understand summary. But I like to check my sources whenever possible, so I looked up the full study: Using a simple skin sample taken from the AML patient, these Washington University scientists found ten genes with acquired mutations. Two had already been studied, as they possess typical AML mutations and are involved in disease progression, but eight presented “new” mutations. The researchers determined that all of these mutations […] were present in nearly all tumour cells at presentation and again at relapse 11 months later, suggesting that the patient had a single dominant clone containing all of the mutations. No kidding: a single clone!!! Do I smell an AML stem cell, here?


The study is very detailed, very technical. At one point I found myself wading through a sea of alleles and genome gapped alignments and putative small indels and coding exons and split reads algorithms. Mamma mia. Eh, sometimes it is best to give up and glide gracefully over to a study’s Discussion part, which is usually more intelligible. So, let’s have a look at the Discussion. The fact that most of the genes discovered by this team have not been targeted in the treatment of AML justifies the use of next-generation whole-genome sequencing approaches to reveal somatic mutations in cancer genomes. I couldn’t agree more.


Of the unidentified (above-mentioned) eight mutations, four had not been previously implicated in cancer pathogenesis, which I found verrrry interesting. Further on we read that The importance of the eight newly defined somatic mutations for AML pathogenesis is not yet known, and will require functional validation studies in tissue culture cells and mouse models to assess their relevance. So mutations do exist, but they may be harmless, in other words. Probably not, though.


And also: the same mutations were detected in tumour cells in the relapse sample at approximately the same frequencies as in the primary sample. All of these mutations were therefore present in the resistant tumour cells that contributed to the patient’s relapse, further suggesting that a single clone contains all ten mutations. Ah, the single clone theory again.


The study ends on a note of prudence: For AML and other types of cancer, whole-genome sequencing may therefore be the only effective means for discovering all of the mutations that are relevant for pathogenesis. Okay, that, to me at least!, means that a cure for all of these presently incurable cancers, including my own, is not in the near future. This is not easy for me to say, but now I know why my skin crawls whenever I hear myeloma specialists declaring that a “cure” is around the corner or visible on the horizon (it just so happens that I recently heard one say words to that effect)…oh, I wish it were true…


But I don’t want to end on a negative note. I really do hope that genome sequencing for all cancer patients will shift quickly into high gear. And there are reasons to be optimistic. The sequencing technology has improved a great deal. It used to be very expensive and complicated to perform these genetic tests, plus the necessary genomic DNA samples had to be very large, but that is no longer the case. Reduced costs and smaller samples should make this new-generation technology more widely available to us. 


It’s a first step.


Some months ago, a blog reader (thank you!) brought an interesting substance to my attention. I read about it, did some research and began writing a draft, which then got pushed into the background, as sometimes happens. Then a second blog reader (thank you, too!) reminded me of its existence by sending me several studies and links. I read a few of them, added material to my original draft, and plan to read more on this topic when I have more time (…in the next century, perhaps…hah!). This has been a long work in progress.


The substance is called Avemar, a “nontoxic fermented wheat germ extract demonstrated to significantly improve the survival rate in patients suffering from various malignancies.” This quote, containing an unfortunate split infinitive (sorry, can’t help it), is taken from a study carried out on HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells (see abstract: published in “Cancer Letters” in June 2007. Apoptosis occurred in as much as 85% of these cells. Not too shabby, eh!


A 2005 study (abstract: reports that Avemar inhibits the proliferation and SURVIVAL of myeloid cells. Yes! I still have to go through this particular study in more detail, though, so I will only mention it.


Another 2005 study (abstract:, published in the “NY Academy of Sciences,” discusses the wonders of this substance, which apparently has been used favorably in the treatment of a bunch of human cancers, notably ovarian cancer, gastric cancer, thyroid cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. Very interesting.


Let’s have a look at the introduction, which gives a detailed description of Avemar: Wheat germ, if left in flour, has an adverse effect on the functional properties of dough and therefore on breadmaking quality. […] During the 1990s, a new, fermented wheat germ extract for human consumption was invented by Professor Máté Hidvégi in Hungary. The standardized manufacturing technology included the extraction of wheat germ, the fermentation of the extract, followed by separation of the fermentation liquid, microencapsulation, drying, and granulation. The resulting powder was named Avemar pulvis (or simply Avemar), and the granulate is also known as Avemar. As you can see, the extraction process would not be easy to replicate in your own kitchen!


Interesting bit of info: A way for tumors to survive in the host environment is to evade the defense control of the host by mimicking themselves as normal cells for the survey of the immune system. Cancer cells use a lot of proteins called MHC-I to hide from our Natural Killer (=NK) cells. The study points out that As Avemar reduces the MHC-I level on human tumor cells, it may sensitize them against NK killing, thus reducing their metastatic activity. Aha!


Another important thing: we all know that cancer cells love glucose. They are addicted to it. Well, Avemar reduces the flow of glucose into cancer cells, and that is fabulous news indeed. In fact, this particular activity of Avemar enables cancer patients, even in advanced stages, to gain weight. This has been observed in vivo. Oh, the study also tells us that Avemar is a COX-inhibitor (both Cox-1 and 2), so it apparently is beneficial also to folks suffering from arthritis and rheumathoid arthritis.


The issue of safety is also discussed. Avemar has been tested both on animals and humans. In fact, cancer patients in Hungary have been taking Avemar for years in order to reduce chemotherapy side effects, thus improving their quality of life. Only a few mild adverse effects such as diarrhea and constipation (not occurring at the same time, I would imagine…) have been reported. You can read about those and also the warnings for gluten-intolerant patients (etc.) in this Sloan-Kettering report:


I found a 2007 abstract that also mentions the issue of safety, reaching the same conclusions (see: This particular study also mentions that cancer patients given as many as 8.5 grams a day had reduced side effects from chemotherapy. And, importantly, Avemar did not lessen the effects of chemotherapy. On the contrary, it may have a synergistic effect with certain drugs such as tamoxifen.


More on the issue of chemotherapy. My second blog reader also sent me a study published in 2002. Since the full study is available online (, I won’t but mention it here, but do urge those who are currently undergoing chemotherapy to have a look at it and perhaps bring up the subject with their oncologists. You see, the study makes an important claim: Avemar is a dietary supplement to be given to cancer patients to help drugs to work better. Toward the end, you can read that colorectal cancer patients who took Avemar didn’t progress as quickly as those who didn’t (=controls), and also lived longer. A curiosity: the Avemar-takers had significantly more advanced disease stages. So they started off in a worse position than the controls but ended up in a much better one. Interesting.


Avemar was recently used in a Phase II trial in high-risk melanoma patients (see: Based on their findings, the researchers recommend The inclusion of Avemar into the adjuvant protocols of high-risk skin melanoma patients […]. Well, this is all quite impressive, I must say.


If someday my cancer progresses to the point where I may need chemotherapy, I will be sure to order some of this stuff…provided my haematologist agrees, of course.