Curcumin, cats and heart disease

Really tired and sleepy this evening. It’s been a long day.

But I just read a fascinating "Globe and Mail" article on heart disease prevention and thought I would post about it briefly. The article first discusses a new University of Minnesota study showing that cat people (I don’t care for the expression "cat owners") have a much lower chance of developing heart disease. Interestingly, dog owners aren’t as lucky (makes no sense, but there you go). Click here for the full story:

There follows an interesting section on turmeric, the “spice of life” (no kidding!): “A new study involving laboratory mice suggests curcumin can dramatically reduce the chances of developing heart failure, a chronic illness that claims 40,000 Canadian lives a year.” Basically, when mice with big hearts (I have a big heart, too! Yikes!) were fed curcumin, “signs of the disease actually reversed.” How about that? This is news to me. Welcome news, too! 

[This is a photo of Priscilla when she was a kitten. Here she is walking through a cat play tunnel.]


  1. Hi, Margaret.
    The last several times my docs have checked my heart, they all remark about it. How strong it sounds.
    Have had my Noel kitty for about fifteen years…andhe is MY cat.
    Sleeps with me, etc. I did a “how old is your cat” survey and in people years he is 76.5! Still playful as a kitten at times, with a little arthritis in his front legs. I’m sure he’s alot more healthy than I!! lol!!!!
    I love your blog. May have to schedule time to read it every day..
    Hope this finds you feeling good and enjoying life!


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