Global myeloma…

I am researching a bunch of different topics, which I hope will turn into hot trails and not, as often happens, fizzle out and become a bunch of unfinished, unpublished drafts…

Since I am still a bit stumped in my research, though, today I would like to direct you to a blogging friend’s post, which shows multiple myeloma incidence rates all over the world…scary but interesting, too: Just click on her three “red” links to see the global maps…

Here I discovered that Italy (where I have lived most of my life) has one of the highest incidence rates of myeloma in the world…Well, geeweezee, che sorpresa!, how is that possible? Yes, I am indeed quite surprised. And I think most of you will be equally surprised to see the placement of certain countries on this global map…

That’s it. I am moving to Belize…but before I begin packing, I must return to my research… 😉


  1. Two thoughts:

    1. Diagnosis of MM is highest in the countries with widespread diagosis testing availability. Maybe there is just as much MM in the other countries, but people are just dying of it undiagnosed!

    2. These are countries also in which pollutants are possibly highest. So maybe there really IS more MM in these countries.

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