I’m usually soooo careful when I leave the house…If I’m going to be in a crowded situation, such as a supermarket, I pull out and wear an FFP2 mask. I don’t shake hands or kiss anyone, even my closest friends. They all know and respect that…
But on Sunday, March 10, I let down my guard, unfortunately. We went to a friend’s house, and when we left, I gave her a hug, just as she was telling me that she didn’t feel that great (Margaret, duh!). We pulled apart, but the damage was done. The following day she came down with a very bad “flu” (or whatever it was), and that hug, plus hanging out at her house on Sunday, meant that I did, too.
I woke up on Monday with a very high fever (on Tuesday night it went up to 40.4° Celsius), and other symptoms that I shall spare you. 😉 But mainly, the high fever was the biggest annoyance. I was really sick that week…then, slowly, I got better, and I’m absolutely fine now. This “thing,” whatever you want to call it (flu or viral bad stuff) is going around, my doctor told me. And, he added, it takes a while to get back on your feet. No kidding.
Anyway, all is (quite) good now. That’s the important thing. I’ve read some interesting things lately, but I need to rest some more before writing a serious post…I just wanted to publish a wee post on the blog today. And wee it is! 🙂
Take care, everyone, and wear a protective mask in crowded situations, even though it’s no longer mandatory… Better safe than sorry…!!!
Phew. Thank God that week is over. ? yes, masks good advice. I only go to the supermarket, not crowded, haven’t work a mask fir a year. Never had vaccine as I was too sick in ICU, massive heart attacks after shingles during chemo..so I take note to be careful. I avoid all other people and places. Glad you are over that now Margaret. Look forward to your new info in a few weeks. Blessings
Hope you continue to feel better!