Yes, it’s been a long time, a very long time since I last published a post…To be honest, I just haven’t felt like it. Between the U.S. election and its crazy aftermath, something we have never seen in modern times!, AND the fact that Tuscany became a coronavirus Red Zone, I’ve been busy…lots of news to follow, lots of irritation against whiny sore losers, lots of getting organized so I can stay at home most of the time, and so on.
Mainly, though, and here I have to be honest: I just haven’t felt like writing.
But today, just now in fact, I read something written by a member of a Facebook group to which I belong. Here is the quote, with no further explanation: “I personally believe that multiple myeloma is a spiritual disease.”
I’m going to hold back on commenting for a few days, because I’m interested to see what YOU think…