Cute animals decrease stress and anxiety

I just published this post on my cat blog but decided to publish it here, too, since it is linked to a health issue that some or many of us might have, especially nowadays–stress, that is.

Watching cute animals is good for our health. We probably already knew that from personal experience, but now science has confirmed it…once again, I should add…I mean, I’ve seen similar studies before.

A new study, recently published by CNN, in fact shows that “watching cute animals may contribute to a reduction in stress and anxiety.”

Here’s the link to the CNN report:

And so, here’s a photo of baby Pixie, who was little more than two months old in this photo. Incidentally, I don’t touch up my photos, so it’s a bit on the dark side, but still…how adorable she was (and is), don’t you think? Awwww…

An excerpt from the article: “In all cases, the study saw blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety go down in participants, 30 minutes after watching the video.”

The study found that videos worked better than still images. Hmmm. I’ll have to learn how to upload some of my cutest cat videos. Yeah, I still don’t know how to do that…It will be a project for the near (I hope) future…! 🙂


  1. Dear Margaret: Hope you are doing ok? Just read about the increase of Covid-19 in Italy. My relatives in Austria are also worried. Let us know how you are doing, take care, Beatrice

  2. Hi Beatrice, yes, things are getting worse in Europe, and Italy, unfortunately, is no exception. The Italian government is trying to avoid a second lockdown by imposing strict restrictions on bars and restaurants, which must stop serving at 6PM, plus cinemas, theatres, gyms and swimming pools will be closed. And so on. It is also strongly recommended that people stay at home unless they have a really good reason for going out and about–work, school, grocery shopping and so on.
    Stefano and I are doing well, thanks for asking, you’re a dear! So…so far, so good. Fingers crossed that everyone stays safe…

  3. Just read a study that uses a genomic test to prognoses who progresses from smoldering to outright MM, done at Dana Farber

  4. It has been a long time since I commented on your blog. A blog with valuable information and lots of cats :). My previous blood test was also a long time ago, very long. And now, almost two years later, my blood values ??are the same! I can’t prove it, but I’m sure this is due to the daily porsion of curcumin (and maybe also due to inositol and IP6). I would like to ask you a few questions about your curcumin protocol, is it still the same as it was years ago, or has it changed a bit, e.g. for better absorption?

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