A couple of days ago, I came across a very interesting article on gut bacteria, a topic I’ve written about in the past.
The article focuses on a recent finding: our IgA helps a certain type of bacteria stick to, and become part of, our gut. This finding may not seem important, at first glance, but it could someday lead to the treatment of many diseases.
But the main message that I got from this article is that we should supplement with probiotics on a daily basis (I’ve highlighted this issue more than once).
I didn’t realize until today, in fact, that my low levels of IgA might be having a very negative effect on my microbiome.
Anyway, do have a look at the article. It’s easy to read, to boot: goo.gl/zAAUZX
Excerpt: “…Without IgA, the microbes fail to permanently colonize the gut…” Yikes!