“Sometimes, whatever you do, things just don’t work out.”

I’ve been very busy in this period…and I have a couple of studies to post about, but I just can’t get to them…so it’s a bit frustrating. But there you go. Life gets in the way of the blog, sometimes…actually, often! 🙂 Anyway, today I decided to post the link to an absolutely fantastic BBC Earth video about the flame bowerbird’s (Papua New Guinea) strange and wacky, read: hugely entertaining!, courtship ritual.

I mean, check out those pupils! How does he do that??? Unbelievable. Never seen anything like it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this video as much as I have: goo.gl/e0N5tL

Take care, everyone, and see you soon! Ciao!

Photobombing Pammy

_1160933Just a cute post today…

In sequence, here are some photos I took last week of Piccolo (my black and white male cat) and Pammy.




I found them lying side by side on our bed, and for some odd reason they stayed in the same position even after I’d grabbed my camera (you know how cats can be…)…


But while I was busily snapping photos, Pammy got up, stretched her legs and started slowly walking toward me…and then…PHOTOBOMB!!!!! 🙂

For me, the funniest part of this sequence is that the expression on Piccolo’s face never changes…
