U.S. summer 2013 photos…(for Julie)

IMG_4019A few nights ago, I dreamt someone informed me that my blog was sad and full of cobwebs as a result of my neglect. I really did! IMG_4212

And it’s true…I have been neglecting it.

What can I say? I’m a busy gal! 🙂

But I’m reading things, and also slowly going through some of my 2000 unread emails (which are now down to 1200…gulp…Oh, that reminds me: if you wrote to me with a question and want an answer, you’d better write to me again…!). _MG_0108


By the way, Stefano and I are not in the photo here on the right, which I took of our group of birdwatchers on North Monomoy Island. 

IMG_4631We went there with the Audubon Society. Warning: this is a trip you don’t want to do if you are not relatively in shape. A lot of walking under the sun, up and down dunes, etc. Pant pant! 🙂 IMG_4722

But it was worth it: we saw birds there that we wouldn’t have seen otherwise, such as the two long-billed dowitchers (see photo, here on the left).  


IMG_5026IMG_5265But yes, those are our feet up there (on a windy Cape Cod beach, photo taken the day before we came back to Italy). Mine are on the left, Stefano’s are on the right.

Cute, huh? Hehe. 😉


  1. I am eating my heart out. Why do I live in Iowa, a kajillion miles from beaches or mountains, and Monomoy beach? What is the orange breasted bird? While I’m at it, what is the meaning of life and where is Waldo?

  2. Hehe. Well, Julie, I have the purrfect solution: come and visit me on Cape Cod next summer! Easy peasy! 😉

    The orange bird is an oriole. Try hovering over some of the photos…some have a brief description, including that one. I might add a few more today…

  3. Oriole. An elusive backyard visitor here. Next summer. Hmm, great idea and it is about time. I share a July 8 birthday with dear friend Lucy Buckley in Chatham. We celebrated her Diamond Jubilee just a few years ago. Maybe 2006, I think it was. Gosh, time gets away from me.

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