Piccolo’s birthday and a few other things…

Today I meant to read and post about one of the full studies lying on my desktop, but a blog reader sent me the link to a video that made me laugh out loud, especially at the end. I just had to share it! And, while I’m at it, I might as well post the link to almost too-incredible-to-believe story that I read yesterday…

First, the funny link: http://goo.gl/MDyBC 

And now you can watch a video and/or read about a teenager who, 18 years ago, ran from chemotherapy treatments, chose alternative remedies (including diet) and is now, at age 34, cancer free: http://goo.gl/xC4AD An interesting story, for sure…

P.S. This morning I received (more) messages from blog readers telling me that they aren’t able to post any comments on the blog. Okay. Well, at least we now KNOW there is a problem. The Healthblogs manager will fix it, and I’m sure things will get back to normal soon. Thanks for your help (and your patience!). 🙂

P.P.S.S. Today is Piccolo’s birthday (here’s a recent photo of my boy on the new cat tree). He’s nine years old. We know the exact birthDAYS of only two of our cats, simply because they were born in a neighbor’s garden: one of them is Piccolo, of course; the other is Peekaboo, five years old. As for our other three cats, we “rescued” them  from the street, so we can only guess at their ages: Puzzola, Priscilla and Pinga, respectively eleven, seven and almost three, more or less…we think…

Anyway, happy birthday, auguri!, Piccolo! My handsome boy who still brings toy balls to me and “asks” me to throw them down the stairs so he can retrieve them…who fills our bed with balls during the night…who”skypes” with my parents and watches nature documentaries on TV. I think he’s the smartest cat I’ve ever had…certainly one of the most affectionate (loves forehead “bumps”!) and loudest purrers (though perhaps not as loud as Smokey, the world’s loudest purrcat: http://goo.gl/YwIxs  😉 )…

Okay, I’m off to read a full study! Yay! 


  1. Hi Margaret ,is Piccolo a Turkish Van Cat?.The difference of colors between the eyes is typical to this
    breed of cats.

  2. I could so see that shopping list incident happening with B.

    Happy Birthday Piccolo! Have to say I don’t think much of that tree that Margaret’s supplied you with – there’s no leaves! 😀

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