Staying in touch…

I’m working on a bit of a complicated post, which may not be ready until the weekend or next year. In the meantime, I thought I’d write and post a short story…

Our youngest kitty, Pinga, the joy of our household (or terror, if you ask our three other female cats, especially Puzzola and Peekaboo who screech like red-tailed hawks whenever mischievous Pinga comes within a few meters of them…), was given to us by a very kind lady, signora P, who already lived with two cats and couldn’t take on a third. If you don’t remember, and are curious about, the story of how we adopted Pinga, have a look at my end of January/beginning of February 2010 posts.

Back then, signora P and I exchanged phone numbers, and I really meant to keep in touch with her. But I lost her phone number, time passed, and, well, you get the picture.

A few days ago I went to get some cat food at the pet store and A, one of the owners, told me that I’d missed signora P by only a half hour. Drat! I asked A if she had signora P’s number. She didn’t, but she did have her e-mail address. Purrfect. When I got home, I composed a short e-mail, “I meant to get in touch with you before, lost your phone number, time passed, just wanted to let you know that Pinga is fine, apple of our eye, blablabla.” The usual.

Today I received signora P’s reply, which touched me to the core. In a nutshell, she wrote that she’d been absolutely thrilled to receive news of Pinga, whose photo, after two years (!), she still keeps on her cell phone. She knew that Pinga was going to a good, loving home when she saw how much in love we were with the little white ball of fur. That is certainly true. For both of us, it was love at first sight. We adore all our cats, goes without saying, and they’re all special in their own different ways…but there is something about Pinga…(Can’t you tell from the photo? 😉 ). She’s…well…different. Everyone tells me so.

Anyway, at the end of her lovely message, signora P told me that my e-mail had been “like a ray of sunshine on a grey day.” Wasn’t that just the sweetest thing? Needless to say, I immediately sent her a dozen photos of Pinga and invited her to come over to see her…


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