I don’t get easily embarrassed anymore. When I was a kid, though, I used to be shy, terribly shy…the shyest kid on the block! Anything and everything made me blush. But my shyness vanished overnight…once I began teaching. I was a first-year Ph.D. student then…
My first teaching job was teaching intermediate Italian to second-year university students at the University of Toronto. I was essentially handed a grammar book and shoved into a classroom, with no prior preparation. Eeek! I remember walking into my first class with a confidence I didn’t feel…but for some (lucky!) reason I had thought of bringing a small Gund bear with me, which really helped me break the ice with my students. I still have that little bear…But I digress…And that is another story…
Why am I mentioning this today? Because I am not embarrassed to show you my messy, unmade bed. This morning, you see, I found all my cats sleeping on our bed. Just like this. Now, it’s really unusual to find them all gathered together in the same place. So I took about a million photos and decided to put this one on the blog…
So here they are–all my sweeties! And my unmade bed.
Nice photo of the cats! I’ve also been enjoying your photos of Florence in the snow. We got some snow here around the same time, and still have patches of it left. I wish my Raynaud’s would allow me to go out and enjoy it. Unfortunately my feet turn almost black with the cold. Visually it’s pretty, but BRRRR!
Look quite cozy and given how frosty it’s been in Florence, I’d guess they made an excellent choice of nesting/resting places!
If you’d thought on you could have said you made the bed and the cats messed it up! I never thought you’d be able to get them all on one photo.
What beautiful cats!
So sweet! Love the cats!