I am in the middle of a huge translation (which is great, since we can certainly use the extra bit of money), so I don’t have much time to dedicate to my blog today. But I couldn’t help posting briefly about an amazing love story…I am sure it will touch your heart the way it touched mine…Even those of you who don’t care for cats. Yes, this is a feline love story. I read about it earlier today the Italian National Agency for Animal Protection (ENPA)’s Facebook page…
Here is the story, which I have translated (loosely) from the ENPA article, which you can read here: http://goo.gl/tauqk By the way, I am a bit tired right now from having translated a large legal document, so please forgive any weird stuff that doesn’t make any sense…
Ginevra and Lancillotto were two inseparable stray cats living in a cat colony in the city of Genoa, Italy. One day, Anna, one of the human volunteers who provides food to this particular colony, noticed that Ginevra had lost a lot of weight and looked ill. She immediately took Ginevra off to an ENPA vet clinic on the other side of the city. Anna knew that Ginevra and Lancillotto were very close but had to leave him behind. He was perfectly healthy…no reason to take him to the clinic, too…
Three weeks passed. Ginevra was slowly on the way to making a full recovery. But one thing was clear: she wouldn’t be able to go back to her previous, stray-kitty life. She needed to be adopted.
Well, at one point, another volunteer, Elisa, began noticing an orange tabby sitting in front of the clinic where Ginevra was still convalescing. A big cat staring fixedly at the door of the clinic. She thought the cat might be hungry, but no, he refused all the food she brought out for him. Finally, thinking that this orange cat had been abandoned, she consulted Anna, who went outside and recognized Lancillotto. She opened the door of the clinic. Immediately, Ginevra ran outside into the clinic’s yard, where she and Lancillotto were finally reunited…They began happily purring, butting heads and rubbing against each other…
To find his beloved Ginevra, Lancillotto had travelled to the other side of the city…walking for more than four kilometers…facing who knows how many dangers…traffic, etc… What I can’t get over is this: how did he know where to go? Amazing…absolutely amazing…
Ginevra and Lancillotto’s story doesn’t end here. Unfortunately, it is harder to find a home for two kitties than for one. So the volunteers were at a loss. They didn’t want to separate the two friends again, but Ginevra really needed to be adopted by a loving family. What to do with Lancillotto?
Well, I am happy, very happy, to report that a kind-hearted man heard this story and adopted both cats…so they are together now…
Here you can see a photo of the two kitties in their new home: http://goo.gl/hxzgT
A blogging friend just lost her much beloved husband to myeloma…ah, here come the tears again…Well, this may sound very odd to you, and in fact it sounds quite odd to me, too, as I write these final words, but I wish to dedicate this unusual but heartwarming love story to them…
Sad days for the myeloma family, these…
I don’t think it sounds odd at all – I think either one of the couple in question would have crossed a continent to find the other one. And now you’ve started me off again.
What a sweet tribute to the couple who we know have, not had, an enduring love story… for love does not end.
Thank you for sharing that wonderful story!
This is a beautiful, touching story. I’ve got tears in my eyes. Animals are so loyal to each-other and us, humans. Thanks for sharing this story.