Well, the news is out…

I no longer have a reason not to write that the myeloma friend that I mentioned in my previous post is also one of my favorite MM bloggers…Nancy, or “La Cootina” (see the link to her blog “Because I said so!” on the right-hand side of my blog). I just finished reading what her brother wrote on her blog…so the news is out…http://lacootina.blogspot.com/2010/05/updates-if-you-wish.html

Before deciding to stop blogging, she put me in touch with a couple of her best friends, a couple of…the “Hoodies.” We were in touch before and also after Nancy went into hospice…Anyway, without going into too many details, they were the ones who informed me that Nancy had died…on Thursday April 29th. Since then I have found it impossible to do any serious writing…or any research. Nancy’s death has been a big blow…indeed, I am even finding it difficult to write this short post…

I have decided not to write a tribute to Nancy. I am still too upset, truth be told, and words escape me…luckily for me, though, a fellow blogger/friend has just published a wonderful loving post about Nancy, and his words express exactly how I feel: http://goodbloodbadblood.wordpress.com/2010/05/03/for-the-love-of-nancy/ 

Ciao, Nancy.


  1. Oh, Margaret, your words are really magic – they can easily make me laugh like crazy or cry like rain…

    Stay in peace Nancy…

  2. I am deeply sorry to hear your friend died. I remember looking through her blog a little while writing up blurbs for the Beacon; I enjoyed it then and just now I enjoyed reading the posts Good Blood Bad Blood linked in his tribute, especially all five “Joys of Cancer.” Take care, Margaret!

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