Yesterday my niece sent me the link to a video titled “An engineer’s guide to cats.” Amusing, see: (the mystery of today’s post title is therein revealed…)
And then, as if I had nothing better to do yesterday, hah!, I began watching a few YouTube cat videos…couldn’t help it, too cute. And I found the following:
Scuba cat: Quite an amazing story, but certainly something that I would never try with my own cats!:
How to break up a cat/kitten fight (hehe): You have to watch the whole thing…this particular clip was featured on the Jay Leno show.
Here is a collage of funny or cute cat clips: I had already seen many of them, like the cat chasing the bear, but hadn’t seen the tiny black kitten falling asleep (oooh so cute!), the cat playing ping pong and the cat jumping on water…and how about the cat arranging itself inside a glass? Or the one squeezing itself out of a bottle?
Watching all these cute cat videos made me want to rush out and buy a video camera to take films of my own cats, whose antics are certainly comparable in funniness and cuteness…Priscilla, who loves to drink water from the bathroom tap (see photo) and cuddle under my sweater (luckily, only during the cold weather months!) with only her tail peeking out….Peekaboo and Piccolo, who answer all my questions with their own meaningful meows and peculiar trills and chirps
(note: they ignore me if I don’t use the correct question intonation…)…Puzzola, who loves getting (or stuffing herself) inside cardboard boxes of any size. If it’s a small box, she will stick her head inside and pretend not to notice that the rest of her body is totally visible.
Oh, and Piccolo and Peekaboo bump their foreheads to mine (Piccolo gives me such forceful bumps sometimes that he makes me take a step backwards). And all the funny and acrobatic jumping and playing and fighting that goes on in our house, usually instigated by Peekaboo, the fearless imp (I should have known I was in for some serious “trouble” when I first set eyes on her, about one and a half years ago, see photo)…the list goes on…and on…
Happy Birthday to one of my dear blogging friends! You know who you are! 🙂
Thanks Margaret for an amusing beginning to my day!
Great article,I too am I big cat lover, have three of the checeky monkeys myself!
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