
My first day of teaching has always exhausted me, and this was no exception. But I think it went quite well. Proud Peekaboo and her   prey  The hours flew by, unnoticed, and my students and I had quite a few jolly laughs, which is part of my teaching with laughter philosophy. For instance, at one point, after hearing too much Italian being spoken during my full immersion English class, I threatened that they would have to pay me one euro (about $ 1.35 U.S.) for each word they uttered in Italian. Since I had managed to keep a straight face, for a second or two I was able to enjoy their baffled expressions (they don’t know me yet!). Then we all burst into laughter as one student tried to bargain me down to five cents per word while another pulled out his wallet and handed me his credit card. Yep, I am satisfied that I have not lost my old teaching touch. Yet! 😉

While a part of me is too tired to post more than these few words or answer any e-mails, another part feels like Peekaboo in this photo, proudly carrying her prey across our dining room table. The I made it! feeling.

1 Comment

  1. Oh dear Kitty!!
    Congratulations, Teacher.
    Thanks for reading, viewing our marathon “report”. Yes, it was tough… but we had a wonderful wonderful day on that beautiful trail. (I checked back at the last sentence to be sure I had not typed “trial” !)
    Thanks always for your research and your delightful postings.

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