Xmas is right around the corner, and there are so many worthwhile causes/projects that could really use our support. Well, it just so happens that I have a couple of excellent suggestions for your Xmas shopping: the Honeybeaders’ bracelets and the Myeloma buddies…
THE HONEYBEADERS. This fundraising project was started by a small group of family and friends of Scott, a myeloma friend of mine. All the money they raise goes to support multiple myeloma research…and by that I mean a REAL, specific research project.
This project, as we can read on the Honeybeader website (link provided below), is being carried out right now at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute, and, if all goes as expected/hoped, should yield some very interesting (non toxic!) results…so I am very very VERY excited about it…
Anyway, with their deft little hands, the fabulous Honeybeaders create lovely Cancer Awareness bracelets for all types of cancer, not just myeloma. I happen to be the proud wearer of three bracelets, in fact (see photos). Oh, and as you can see by Peekaboo’s reaction, these bracelets can also double as cat entertainment toys, with careful human supervision…
Last year I gave myeloma bracelets to my mother, sister, niece and girlfriends…And they were so admired by other friends, in fact, that I just put in a Xmas order, too…
You can have a look at the Honeybeader website and place your order/s here: http://thehoneybeaders.com/
MYELOMA BUDDIES. This is my creative friend Paula’s project to raise funds for Myeloma UK and the International Myeloma Foundation. Again, I can tell you firsthand that her dolls are adorable…irresistible, in fact.
This photo shows a rather grumpy Piccolo (I woke him up to take this photo…) posing with one of Paula’s multi-colored buddies, which are a bit larger than regular buddies…
Word of caution: don’t leave your buddy unattended with your pets…My youngest kitty, Pinga the Terrible, almost made off with one, right under my nose…
I took my own purse-sized Myeloma buddy (see photos below) to Rome with us a few weeks ago. While we were in the car, driving to Rome, I asked Stefano to help me find a name for her. He came up with “Honey,” because, he said, honey is “miele” in Italian, and myeloma is “mieloma.” So honey = miele = mieloma = myeloma. Get it? Hmmm, made sense to me.
So her name is Honey.
The last three photos I posted here are of Honey visiting the Colosseum (the inside) and Emperor Hadrian’s villa…Speaking of which, I have an amusing little story (amusing to me, at any rate!). First, you should know that I was strolling around Hadrian’s villa, admiring these lovely, majestic ruins, with my little Honey nestled in my scarf. Passing tourists looked at me most peculiarly upon noticing her…but of course I didn’t care one whit…
I’m a happy, free spirit…
Anyway, at one point I happened upon an obviously bored little Italian girl who was really hacking away at one of the villa’s columns, chipping off bits and so on. She was about 8 years old…old enough, that is, to know better.
Since her parents had gone off to admire the view and were completely ignoring her (!), I gently but firmly reprimanded her…in Italian, of course. She gave me the oddest look, said nothing and continued to chip away at the column… I gave up. As I walked away, defeated, I realized that, with a doll sticking out of my scarf, I probably looked anything BUT a figure of authority…
No wonder she paid no heed to me…! Hehe.
Okay, enough babbling…Let’s get to the point. Check out Paula’s myeloma buddies for yourselves: http://www.etsy.com/listing/45335069/handknit-myeloma-buddy-charity-doll And don’t forget to have a look at her blog and at her super cute and brand new Xmas buddies!
Oh, and in case this were not obvious, these buddies are NOT JUST FOR CHILDREN, since I have given buddies to my mother, sister, niece, AND I will be giving some to my girlfriends for Xmas…huge success so far.
Everyone needs a myeloma buddy and a myeloma beaded bracelet! EVERYONE!!!
Besides, this is Xmas shopping made easy…easy peasy, in fact! All you need to do is check out these two websites and place your orders. I already have.
We offer a variety of bracelets…Cat’s eye glass beaded, Czech Firepolished Crystal bracelet and Genuine garnet w/sterling charm bracelets. Cat’s eye have pewter charms for $10.00, Crystal HOPE with silver and pewter is $15.00 and the Garnet (burgundy is myeloma’s cancer color) is $40.00. I also offer earrings to match the crystal HOPE bracelet (with or without charms) and various semi precious w/sterling silver bracelets in stones for ALL cancers (i.e., garnet for myeloma, lapis lazuli for colon, moonstone for lung, star rose quartz for breast, etc.) Prices vary depending on stones….click on website to email me.
I came, I read, I forgot to comment – thanks for the plug! ;D