
I have been feeling extremely tired since, well, it’s been a while, now. I think it’s because I was on such heavy-duty antibiotics for the bronchitis I had last month. Plus, once I got well, I never really took or did anything to give my body a sort of pick-me-up…

But it really wasn’t until we spent a long weekend in Rome that I realized how exhausted I was. Sometimes I had to force myself to keep walking, when all I really wanted to do was find a bench and sit down… 

As a result, I am taking the weekend off and resting. This morning I bought a homeopathic “boosting” remedy and a vitamin B complex, so that should help put me back on my feet…

Another thing that will help is laughing out loud. Yesterday, thanks to a link posted by a Facebook friend, I began watching video compilations from the BBC “Walk on the Wild Side” series. I know, I have already published some of these links, but they still make me laugh. Here are a couple of ’em: http://tinyurl.com/2vhn4jl and http://tinyurl.com/323lmp9

The puffins…the gorilla…”Oh helloooo? Could I trouble you for a cup of sugar, please?” “Yeah, yeah, don’t try to talk when my hands are in your mouth, sir…” “Oh dear, you appear to have tipped me over…” Ah, ROTFL!!! I just love the BBC!!! Enjoy! 🙂


  1. Feel better Margaret. Seems like we both need some R&R @ the same time. Glad to hear you are listening to your body.

    Take good care of you.

  2. Ehi Margaret non usare quella brutta parola … fatigue. Non e’ sicuramente il tuo caso! Secondo me “stanchezza” e ‘ piu’ che appropriato al tuo caso.
    Anche un viaggio apparentemente rilassante puo’ sfociare in una intensa stanchezza.
    Mi sembra che non ti fermi mai: interessante la tua ricerca sui microRNA!
    P.S.: quest’estate, dopo quattro cicli di terapia ad alte dosi ho avuto due giorni di fatigue, ma, ripeto, dopo quattri cicli di HDT (!). Ho dato un occhio ai tuoi ultimi valori sul tuo blog: per questo fatigue mi sembra veramente inappropriato! Appena trovo un attimo vorrei aggiornarvi sul mio stato e sulla mia esperienza nel mondo dell’active myeloma. Niente di sconvolgente per ora le terapie e… un po’ di delusione dal sistema sanitario, ma forse pretendo troppo. Riprenditi! Francesco

  3. Mi associo a quanto scritto da Francesco – sei solo un po’ stanca…capita a tutti! Spero con tutto il cuore che tu ti senta meglio al più presto 😉
    Un abbraccio

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