A seminar for myeloma patients and their families/caregivers will be held here in Florence on Wednesday, October 21st, at the 15th century Villa La Pietra, now owned by NYU. I received this bit of news just this morning. I plan to attend, of course, since (luckily!) I don’t work on the 21st. This will be my first myeloma patient seminar. Ever. I can’t wait. The main speaker, by the way, will be Dr. Brian Durie. Important: you have to sign up in order to attend (for free, eh). See details below.
If any of you plan to be there, please please please get in touch with me via the Contact form (or, if you have my e-mail address, drop me a line). I would love to meet you!
Here follows the info that I received from the seminar organizer, Vittorio Schirinzi:
Come promesso, sono a darvi il programma del prossimo 21 ottobre per il II Seminario Pazienti e Famiglie che questo anno si terrà a Firenze. Sede del Seminario è Villa “La Pietra” sita sulla Via Bolognese al civico 120.
Come lo scorso anno, parteciperà al Seminario il Dr. Brian Durie che alcuni di voi hanno avuto il piacere di conoscere. Il Dr. Durie è uno dei massimi esperti mondiali sul mieloma multiplo e sarà disponibile a rispondere a tutti i quesiti che vorrete sottoporre. La presentazione del Dr. Durie e le domande e risposte saranno interamente tradotte da un interprete professionista per coloro che non parlano inglese ed al fine di facilitare al massimo la comprensione.
Vi invito a partecipare a questo evento poiché è la migliore occasione per poter risolvere alcuni vostri dubbi e avere delle risposte concrete ai vostri quesiti sul mieloma multiplo. Vi ricordo che la partecipazione è totalmente gratuita confermando la vostra presenza via e-mail all’indirizzo mielomahelp@gmail.com
Programma Seminario Pazienti Mieloma Multiplo. Villa “La Pietra”, Firenze 21 ottobre 2009.
Ore 15:00 Apertura Seminario
Susie Novis, Presidente International Myeloma Foundation e Vittorio Schirinzi Presidente Associazione Schirinzi A. Mario
Ore 15:15 “Che cosa è il mieloma multiplo”
Dr. Brian Durie, Cedars Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles
Ore 15:45 “Attività Mieloma Multiplo nell’Area Fiorentina e Novità nella terapia del Mieloma Multiplo”
Dott.ssa Chiara Nozzoli, Reparto di Ematologia Ospedale Careggi, Firenze
Ore 16:15 La parola ai pazienti: domande ai relatori 1° parte
16:45 Coffee Break
Ore 17:15 La parola ai pazienti: domande ai relatori 2° parte
Ore 18:00 Chiusura seminario
Greg Brozeit, International Myeloma Foundation e Vittorio Schirinzi, Associazione Schirinzi A. Mario
Se avete intenzione/la possibilità di partecipare a questo seminario, vi mettereste in contatto con me? Se non avete il mio indirizzo e-mail, mi potreste lasciare un commento su questo post oppure cliccare su “Contact” (qua a destra, sotto “Pages”). Mi farebbe molto, ma davvero molto!, piacere incontrarvi! A proposito, per ulteriori informazioni (tipo, come arrivare a Villa La Pietra oppure la biografia del Dr. Durie), date un’occhiata al sito di Mieloma Help: http://mielomahelp.blogspot.com/ Ci vediamo a Villa La Pietra, spero!
Dear Margaret,
You are going to enjoy the seminar very much. Dr. Durie is an authority in the myeloma field. Take all your test results with you. An Excel spreadsheet & graphs will be very good for him to see the trend.
Enjoy it.
Dear all,
the seminar will certainly be an event, but getting inside Villa La Pietra and have a look at it, will be an event by itself.
It is one of the most beautiful villas in Florence, owned by an American art collector and after his death it was donated to NYU with all the collections.
My compliments to Vittorio who managed to organize the meeting in such a beautiful settings.
Whoever is not too far away should take this chance to get a “double event”,
a wonderful opportunity! Will your doctor consider going too?
Hi Julie, I invited my hematologist, in fact, but I don’t know if she will be able to attend (she gave me a vague reply). Most likely, at that time of day (=afternoon) she will be visiting patients at Careggi hospital. Too bad.
Thanks, JHope, for suggesting that I take my tests with me, in case Dr. Durie has the time to meet with me privately (not sure about that). Good idea!
Hi Margaret,
first of all congratulations for your latest results !!
Unfortunately I have a MM medical visit the same day of the seminar
(21 of October) early afternoon. So I think I am not likely to be there. (I wish I could !!!)
I attended last year the seminar organized by Vittorio in Prato
and it was very interesting, but a lot of it was about the usage
of “mixes” of latest drugs of official medicine. We know that, though
the efforts and the progresses, these drugs still have many limits.
I hope that at least some word will be spent about supplements
like curcumin and aswhaganda. In Prato just a couple of sentences
were spent by Dr Durie about curcumin and Ac-L-carnitine answering
2 questions but withouth any particular enthusiasm.
I have not written on your blog in the latest months, mainly because I only have not-so-good news from my case. But I am always “tuned”.
Enjoy the meeting!
And, as always, many thanks for giving us hope.