Yesterday I was offered a big translation that I couldn’t refuse to do. Mainly, let’s be honest, because we need the extra bit of money (all that cat food adds up, y’know
). This means, though, that I won’t be doing much, if any!, research from now until May 5th, which is the day Stefano and I get back from our British holiday (we leave next Friday, April 25th, yippee!).
So if I don’t answer your messages promptly (or at all!), please excuse me. I am simply a bit overwhelmed at the moment.
And who knows? I may translate faster than I think…hmmm, but the English text (that I must translate into Italian) is all about marketing and sourcing…things about which I know zilch. I had a slight panic attack yesterday, in fact, but I know how bad stress is for us (myeloma folks), so I have simply decided that I will meet the deadline, and all will be well. Punto e basta.
Okay, off I go. I have work to do! Thank you for your patience!
Take it easy and everything is gonna be alright. You’ll finish your work on time.
Enjoy your holiday!
Best wishes, Robert
Enjoy your holiday, Margaret, you’ve earned it.
Hope you get to see the puffins.
Old Bill.
Don’t panic Margaret. With all that curcumin coursing through your brain cells you’ll meet your deadline (its got to be easier translating anything rather than deciphering those medical papers!). Have a great holiday.
I hope the weather improves (it’s a bit grim here at the moment but the forecast is better). And I hope the North Sea is calm so you have a good journey out to the Farnes. It’s a very special place – like the bird islands in the S Atlantic.
Read up on Lindesfarne & St Cuthbert before you go and watch out for the tides. You can only drive across the causeway at low water and the unwarey get cut-off and sometimes stuck.
Oh, and bring your warm clothes – it can be a bit refreshing up there – much cooler than Florence.
You will love it though. It’s our most romantic coastline, unspoiled and lots of history. Exciting stuff -a real adventure.
Have a great trip.
Glad to see you are getting “tides” information for your trip. Living about as far from tides as is possible, being trapped by tides terrifies me.
What a great thing to be looking forward to a well-deserved vacation!
Forecast for Alnwick quite good this week. See
Hope it stays that way.
Forgot to say be sure to take your walking boots. You will need them a lot if you are landing on the Farne Islands and walking along Hadrian’s Wall etc.