Cancer cure hope and hype

I’ve written at least one post about the dangers of media hype, screaming headlines, etc. This is the one I remember writing, but there may be others:

How many times have I read the sentence “a cure for myeloma is around the corner!!!!!!!!”? Too many to count. Not surprisingly, it’s often used for fundraising purposes. I used to be a major donor fundraiser for a non profit organization, so I know how that system works. Anyway, that’s not the point today…

The point is that this is the first time (as far as I can recall, that is) I’ve read an article about the dangers of media hype. It was published in Healthday just a few days ago: Very interesting read.


1 Comment

  1. I’ve seen a lot of this hype over the years, as I can imagine you have. Nothing close to the elusive “cure,” though. I remember feeling personally let down when the acclaimed Revlimid did nothing to control my own MM. I’m glad there are many more treatment options available now, although I’m not looking forward to the time when I may have to use them.

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