A health reason to be silly…

A Swiss friend of mine, whom I met via the blog (it’s becoming quite a crowd! 😉 ), recently sent me the link to a very interesting CNN article, titled “This is your brain on knitting”: http://goo.gl/7rI1lT

Knitting, crafting, reading a book, playing games, taking photographs (and other fun, creative hobbies) are all activities that apparently have a very positive effect on our brain, a profound effect. Knitting in particular cured a woman’s post-traumatic disorder and extreme anxiety (you can read more about her case in the article).

Here’s an excerpt: “Crafting can help those who suffer from anxiety, depression or chronic pain, experts say. It may also ease stress, increase happiness and protect the brain from damage caused by aging.”

golden girlsI’ll have to tell my girlfriends about this…I get together with three of my most hilarious girlfriends once a week to play cards, laugh, and eat little goodies that we usually prepare ourselves (such as brownies).

Our meetings are lots of fun, of course, but now we have another reason to be silly:

a health reason… 🙂

P.S. For the record: the photo of the ladies on the right is NOT of me and my girlfriends (we’re quite a bit younger, for starters) but of the four actresses who played a group of elderly women living together in the American sitcom “The Golden Girls.” I enjoyed that show, by the way…

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