
Well, my computer’s slight sniffle (=what seemed to be a small, easily fixable problem) has turned into a rather violent sneeze fest. The new hard disk turned out to be incompatible with the floppypoppy, which then screwed up the schloopyloopy, and then the snappynappy didn’t work anymore. As you can see, I have no clue as to what happened. All I know is that for the past couple of evenings, after work, my poor Stefano has been taking my computer apart and putting it back together under Peekaboo’s careful supervision (awww, sooo cute!). Last night, my hero finally solved the snafu, whatever it was!, but he didn’t have time to re-install all my data. He will do so tonight…that is, if there are no more atchoos!

He told me to use his mega-super-technologically-advanced computer today…but, without my files, e-mail, etc., there is really no point. So I will focus on other things, which is not a bad idea sometimes…

I hope to be back “in business”…tomorrow! Ciao!


  1. How clever your Stefano is! if anything goes wrong with my computer I must wait until No1 Son(microsoft) comes up to to visit. I keep my very old battered and so over used PC as a back-up. I do hope all is well with you and we send all very best wishes

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