Big Heart But No Bone Lesions!

This morning I picked up my skeletal survey results and all the X-rays (about a dozen or so) that I had done last week. It’s a good thing that I earned my living for many years as a translator and acquired useful translating skills. I wonder if the language used in U.S. medical reports is as hard to interpret. Gee whiz! The report states that my aorta is elongated, and that I have a big heart, which is a good thing to have in romance novels and cartoons but perhaps is not such great news from a medical point of view. I will be discussing this with my GP day after tomorrow. Anyway, I am not overly concerned about that. Other minor things in the report are connected to the aging process: arthritic this and that. Also, the consequences of pleurisy are definitely visible. I was told that I would have pleuritic scarring (and occasional pain) for the rest of my life, so I expected it would show up on these X-rays. It did. No big deal. However, the main result is: NO BONE LESIONS. 🙂


  1. Good news, Margaret, and the final piece in the jig-saw if I’m
    not mistaken.
    Are you worried about the cardiovascular business?
    It dosn’t seem to be anywhere near as worrying as the SM was
    a year ago. Just keep on being happy, and you’ll keep on being well.

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